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cool springs park

cool springs park

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • klizzylou
    This is the first place I like to head when fall is nearing. HUGE pumpkins that would cost a pretty penny for super cheap. Mums, also cheap. They have a lot of neat finds on the inside. Trains outside make for nice photo backdrop, as do the barn. Little bridge over a creek filled with trout. Food- yuck. Syrup comes in little McDonald's like package, soup is canned, & NEVER order the biscuits & gravy. All in all, neat little place.
  • teenager_family
    As we traveled down Route 50 in the snow we suddenly saw an old tractor in the middle of a field. It turned out to be a fascinating outdoor museum of antique farm equipment, cars, trains and machinery. They even have donkeys, llamas and ducks walking around. Payment is through an honor box and we were happy to contribute for this fascinating experience. You must also eat at the cafe- great food in a 50's atmosphere. Have the soups and coconut cream pie!
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