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wolfkeep wildlife sanctuary

wolfkeep wildlife sanctuary

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • greenlantern97
    It is a very welcoming place with a unique group of people who love their jobs and the wolfs. I found it to be very warm and happy, a real upper from our modern day lives.The wolfs are great. Petting the lynx and feeding the wolfs was an amazing experience that everyone should have.
  • Jess1395
    There is a five dollar donation to get in. I was impressed by the tour guide. He knew a lot about the animals and was very friendly. He answered all my questions well. The wolves were beautiful. The pack was a majority arctic but had two greys. They were very calm and liked hot dogs. The facility itself seemed well kept. I will definitely visit again.
  • 9Mile
    We had heard of this place, but never been there. The entrance fee was $5. You get what you pay for. What else can I say? Yes they have wolves, but most of them are Artic wolves (not found in Montana). They had two gray wolves, but they were born in captivity. Their web page is very clear and accurate that this is what you're going to see.The "visitor center" was not bad for a little mom and pop roadside attraction. It was clean, they had a few souvenirs, and some nice photos.The wolf exhibit consisted of a small viewing area behind a stout steel fence. About ten feet further in was chain link fence. Behind the chain link fence were the wolves. I understand doing this for the saftey of the viewer and the wolves, but it doesn't make for taking any good photos.The two people running the place (a man and a woman) were very friendly, but the man's behavior made us somewhat uncomfortable. He was way too amused that urinating on your fence line will keep wolves away (according to him anyway).If you want to see wolves I have to recommend most zoo exhibits before I'd recommend this one.
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