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owls head lighthouse

owls head lighthouse

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • kriegerh2013
    There is a short walk to the lighthouse from the parking area then quite a climb up the stairs to the lighthouse. My mother climbed the stairs when she was 89 years old. The lady who was working in the yard at the tenders house said, as far as she knew, my mother was the oldest person that climbed the steep steps to reach the lighthouse. I don't know how many steps, but there must be between 80 to 90. This is also a wonderful picnic area. There is excellent takeout food at the Owls Head General Store.
  • 797dennisp
    This is the best in Maine as far as I am concerned - there is just something special about it that puts the rest of them in the shade. Whenever we visit I feel the same thrill of climbing up the steps to the light and to see the view of the water. Looking forward to my next visit !!
  • Ex-Buffalonian
    Unlike some hard-to-reach lighthouses, the Owls Head Light is easily accessible by foot in about 3 minutes from a parking lot in the surrounding nature preserve. You get a wonderful view of the nearby islands and channels, as well as the Rockland-Vinalhaven ferry passing by. The lighthouse is looked after by preservationists and is in excellent condition. Interior visits are possible- but best to consult a schedule beforehand. A class 4 Fresnel lens is the centerpiece of this guardian of the coast- no electronics here! A wonderful way to get an idea of Maine's wild and scenic coastline.
  • Freeport04032
    We stumbled upon the sign for Owls Head Lighthouse and decided to go. It was just starting to sprinkle a bit, but it was very windy. We walked through the path to the lighthouse and went up the steps to get up and close to the lighthouse. The view was pretty, but it was so windy and cold we didn't stay up there long. We went into the gift shop, which was small and nothing of significance. The light was on in the lighthouse though which was cool.
    My wife, a close friend and myself visited this lighthouse on a rather windy and cool but clear day and found it to represent many of the Maine lighthouses. We were a bit surprised to see so may other visitors on site. The lighthouse itself is a short walk from the parking area and is most accessible for all to see. We also took a short walk to the beach area and found it to be very nice but vacant. There were picnic tables and BBQs so a picnic lunch would be most enjoyable. The views at both the lighthouse and beach were incredible. This lighthouse is certainly is off the beaten path but worth the visit.
  • 9JohnC
    The Owls Head Lighthouse is totally inaccessible. The parking area is a rough dirt/rock lot. The very long walk to the lighthouse is up and down a poorly graded dirt/rock roadway. In my opinion,it would clearly be quite dangerous for a person with limited mobility to negotiate the terrain. I in the wheelchair could only get about 20 feet without intense assistance from my wife. I did persist and with a great deal of help from hardy two legged passer-by's, I did make it to a point where I could see the top of the lighthouse. My wife was able to walk around and get some fairly good pictures. The lighthouse is still under reconstruction and access is limited. The views of the surrounding ocean and rock shore made the effort worth the trip. Getting back was another ordeal, but I was saved by several hardy soles who literally picked me up and walked out.Worth the visit, well maybe on a cool summers day with a picnic basket and sturdy walking shoes.
  • sanblasdan
    We have enjoyed many of Maine's light houses and find them most interesting. On this trip this was the only light house we visited. It is off the beaten path, but we found well worth the visit. From the light house peek there are remarkable views in all directions. It's a lovely walk to the light as well.
  • rnmteach
    Quintessential New England Lighthouse. The lighthouse is reached by a short walk and there is a good flight of steps up to the lighthouse itself. The lighthouse is ocassionally open for visitors to climb to the top, but wasn't on the day we visited.
  • csb47
    This lighthouse is the first one that we've been able to go into as well as being able to go into the light keepers house. Great experience, the grounds were kept up perfect and the views were just breathe taking.Anyone who is handycaped would not be able to go into either the lighthouse or the keeper's house.Anyone who is visiting Rockland I recommend that you take the short ride and experience this beautiful park.
  • xplorer07
    A little off the beaten path but well worth the trip. The cost to enter the park is $4 ($2 per person). The park is owned and operated by the city and the lighthouse is Coast Guard property. There are docents that gave a good history of the lighthouse and small parties could climb to the top. Facilities are park lite porta-potties.
  • chiefwahoo1989
    Maine definitely knows how to do a lighthouse. This one was about a 15 minute walk from the vacation home me and my in-laws were staying at for the weekend so we took the walk over to the park to check it out. The harbor at Owls Head is beautiful and this lighthouse is definitely the highlight. It is a short lighthouse, but still a beautiful one. We were even able to go inside up to the top to see the view from the light! The view of the harbor was fantastic and the history inside the old lighthouse keeper's house-now-gift-shop was really cool as well. Everything about this lighthouse made it a great trip. If ever in Owls Head, it is a must.
  • Tenabetsy
    Either to the lighthouse or the rocky beach! this is a nice interlude in a remote part of the region. Don't miss the General Store in Owls ahead, which is a great place to get sandwiches or burgers!
  • DanE748
    We made it down to the State beach (no fee) and took our chairs down to the rocky beach. There is a nice lawn with picnic tables. We simply relaxed, enjoyed the beautiful views and read the Sunday paper. We then took a stroll up to the lighthouse where the views were even better. A short walk thru the lighthouse keeper's home was worthwhile - informative, too.
  • FloridaGal3740
    If you are a lighthouse fan, this is worth the trip. It is definitely off the beaten path but well worth a visit. There is not a sign in the parking lot as to where the lighthouse is located so just follow the main, larger pathway. This is a short walk and easy to navigate. You will soon see the lighthouse looming to your left, high above the ocean. There are lots of steps to navigate to get to the lighthouse but you can still see it quite well from the landing area if you can't make the steps. The view of the surrounding cliffs and water is magnificent. This is a U.S. Coast Guard Station. Well worth a visit!
  • janelje
    This was the only lighthouse out of many that I actually went in on my trip. The lighthouse itself it not very tall and it was just a few rung climb on the ladder up. The volunteer at the bottom and the top were very friendly and knowledgeable. Definately worth a stop. They head to the General Store for a burger!
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