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owls head transportation museum

owls head transportation museum

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Featuring a world-class, operating collection of antique ground vehicles...


  • optiman32
    The Owls Head Transportation museum contains and excellent collections of motorcycles, cars, planes,and bicycles from a bygone era. The displays are lovely with nicely restored vehicles that make you wish you could get behind the wheel with the top down and drive!!This was a real surprise and a side trip I am very glad we took.
  • NYBrownsFan
    We were in Rockland for the Parade of Pies. In our package was a pair of tickets for the Owls Head Transportation Museum. We were really impressed with the collection of cars, motorcycles, and airplanes. They have some really unusual pieces, cars from several countries and various eras. They have a great replica of the Wright Brother's plane. It is quite a unique collection. We enjoyed walking around looking at and reading about all the cars. The restored pieces were gleaming and clearly lovingly cared for. This was a fun way to spend a few hours.
  • kriegerh2013
    What a fantastic collection of restored cars and airplanes. It is easy to spend hours walking around looking at the collection. Many of the fully restored cars and fire trucks are owned by William Ruger a wealthy business man from Southport, Connecticut. The planes in the collection fly! There are airshows that feature World War I aircraft and bi-plane rides. There are also auto auctions with vintage cars. When there are special events the museum uses the highly rated French and Brawn Marketplace from Camden as the food provider. Absolutely wonderful place to visit and a great preservation of history.
  • ptzmom_nh
    My husband and I have antique autos, so when we were in the area, we decided to visit the museum. We hadn't been there in over 10 yrs. and it has improved dramatically. The exhibits are well done and the staff was very informative in providing info. and answering questions. We can't wait to visit them again this summer for one of their antique auto meets. And I would recommend this to anyone, even if you don't have an interest in automobiles. The vehicles and airplanes in their collection will fascinate anyone.
  • momoboys_12
    This little museum is an exceptional find. Every vehicle in it is operational - meaning it does work! That alone is hard to find in a museum. In addition, they have workshops which you can visit and watch the engines etc. being worked on. It is certainly worth a visit.
  • clarket2013
    Historic cars, historic planes and some really neat exhibits. Check out the steam engine in the first room; massive! Everything from the Wright Brothers and other air pioneers, concours quality Jags, MGs and others and the F1 Ferrari driven by Michael Schumacher. I particularly like the layout of the exhibits. You can pretty much walk a circuit of each room and move on to the next without retracing your steps or, worse, miss something really interesting. Well thought out.
  • thedipman
    came with wife for a craft show but spent hours looking at all the cars and plains a great way to spend a few hours a must see if your in the area
  • leonardm479
    This is a beautiful, large, well designed museum containing loads of antique and collectible cars, airplanes, motorcycles, fire engines, bicycles and other modes of transportation. All the vehicles and cycles in the museum are in working condition as are the planes. Be sure to check the website for events such as airshows or special car shows such as the one dedicated to MG's. The price of admission of $12 for adults is well worth the visit and afterwards you can visit the Owls Head Lighthouse or browse the picturesque village of Owls Head itself located on the ocean. In other words, you can plan your entire day around Owls head. A really special time to visit the area is early to mid June when the gorgeous lupines are in bloom so don't forget your camera.
  • Freeport04032
    We went to the museum as it's someplace we both always wanted to go. We were a bit disappointed. There was a flea market going on so admission was free. We were glad we didn't have to pay $24.00 for the 2 of us! Maybe because of the flea market it didn't have as many vehicles as normal?
  • TheBrasilian
    This is a very large, open and airy, and well laid-out museum chock-full of all sorts of things dealing with transportation, from motorcycles, airplanes to cars and engines of all kinds. A unique aspect of the exhibits here is that they are all in working condition, something which cannot be said of many other similar museums. They have active restoration shops for automobiles and airplanes, and periodically drive and fly some of the exhibits. Definitely a must-do when visiting this part of Maine. The museum also has excellent special exhibits. When I was there recently, they had a special exhibit on the history, personalities, and the actual vehicles involved in the evolution of car racing.
  • 9JohnC
    On our trip to Maine we has a really rainy day and decided to drive to Owls Head to see the museum. What a place! If your interest is old cars, planes, or trains there is something here for you to study. The day we were there they had both the automotive and aircraft restoration areas open so you could move freely about the various projects to see how and what they were doing. The volunteers who were working on projects were more than willing to answer all questions and demonstrate various mechanical components and restoration methods. The things I thought I knew I really did not know. The complexity of restoring antique vehicles is far more involved than I had ever thought.The museum it self is a blast. Quality displays with sign boards by each one that gave the details of the vehicle. They have cars and planes that I had never seen in person, and some I had never heard of. Some volunteers floated about to address any questions and if you seemed interested, launch into a detailed story about the vehicle in question. The volunteers emphasized that the majority of the restored cars and planes are operational. There is also a large display of various power plants. Fascinating. They have many big events planned throughout the year and I would suggest that you consult the internet for schedule information.If there are any drawbacks they do not have a place to get a quick snack. The place is huge and it is a time consuming viewing with a good bit of moving about. We got hungry and thirsty. The museum is not near any food locations, thus I would recommend that you bring food and drink with you so you could eat in the car. Also, their gift shop is very limited in their goods. We were disappointed that they did not have clothes such as t-shirts or jackets for sale to commemorate our visit.Overall, a very worthwhile use of your vacation time.
  • JustOverPar
    Succinct and spacious (and pristine) display of how we progressed from horse to steam to combustion to jet engines. Comprehensive array of early and later autos, race cars, motorcycles and planes. Realize first combustion engine was 20 years after the end of the Civil War and the Model T 20 years after that. Tour the auto reconstruction and airplane reconstruction areas to see older ones being restored. Don't miss the Energy room with a full-size Corliss engine (16ft flywheel). Cool display of 1920s auto before and after restoration. Definitely worth a visit. About $10 Senior, $12 adult.
  • MikeE457
    If you have ANY interest in the history of transportation and find yourself in Maine's Mid-Coast area, go to the trouble of finding this hard-to-get-to Museum. You will be astonished at the extent and caliber of their exhibits, even if they are not holding a special showing. For such a regional museum in a hard to reach spot they display an stunning variety of automobiles, motorcycles, and planes, including a number of interesting precursor vehicles such as specialty wagons and early motorized bicycles. There is a full sized replica of the Wright Brothers' original plane, an ornithopter, several WWI and WWII era planes, and a beautifully restored gypsy wagon. They also display a number of experimental vehicles which never reached production. Every unit has been lovingly restored to its new status, and the stories of many are told.There is a separate room which covers the story of transportation energy, from the horse through steam through combustion engines.Interestingly, there is a workshop at the museum. If you have a historic vehicle of some kind and can get it there, they will help you restore it.If you're into the history of transportation you should allow at least 3-4 hours there. You can do a fast walk-thru in an hour, but I found myself stopping and reading many of the histories presented.The facility is modern, clean, and almost totally indoors. Admission is modest, and there is a gift shop with books, models, and souvenirs.
  • InterntlTraveler10
    We did not see this museum heavily advertised and almost missed it. Looking for something to do on a rainy afternoon and find this place. Cars, planes, motorcycles, race cars, antique cars and fire trucks. I have never seen such a collection of MG's - dating back into the 30's. Quite a collection old motorcycles and airplanes as well. Also an display of early mill power. They also host various rally events. Definitely worth a visit.
  • 713thomasr
    very informative- they have cars- bikes-planes-trains, etc not of the normal type you would see else where. very unique in every way. All the planes do fly and even a model T ford to go for a ride in !! Well worth seeing. They have special events thru out the year--auctions, car shows, air shows,etc. Highly recommend !!
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