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the esopus meadows lighthouse

the esopus meadows lighthouse

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • PattiA228
    we make it a day and go to esopus/port ewen and take a walk/hike at lighthouse. the view of the Hudson is amazing and the hiking is perfect. Just enough ups and down to feel like you got a good work out. the dog loves it too. then you can bring a picnic lunch and sit by the river and watch the boat and just the pure beauty of it all
  • Irish-Rover1
    Another great piece of Hudson River History. They have done an amazing job restoring this lighthouse. The fishing near it is great too.
  • liza23star
    The Esopus meadows lighthouse is a beautifully restored lighthouse. Visible from land or boat. There are two parks on the Esopus side that offeres to different areas, one a picnic area and the second is hiking trail along the river both offering beautiful areas of enjoying the view of the river and the light house and to have a picnic.
  • rentfor2
    i've had a boat on the Hudson for 30 years. the esopus lighthouse at sunset is beautiful. but you only see the view on a boat.
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