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greater prairie chicken tours

greater prairie chicken tours

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • flicka55
    This tour is very well done, some might be hesitant to go with a group and there are ranchers nearby who will allow you to view them on your own. I felt the tour was advantageous because we met the evening before and had a short informative lecture on the chickens. The viewing blind was comfortable and excellent for photography as the front was completely open (several of us had tripods, we just didn't extend the legs all the way out). These birds are VERY skittish! I think trying to view them on you own would be "iffy" at best. Breakfast afterward at the ranch was very good and everyone accommodating and friendly. Participating in this tour certainly gives you the best chance of both seeing and learning about this iconic bird.
  • centralcoastguy
    Wray, Colorado is a friendly and quaint town situated on the eastern edge of Colorado, next to the border with both Nebraska and Kansas. In bird watching circles, it's known for its trips to see the displaying Greater Prairie Chickens. Every spring, this species of grouse gathers at "leks" where the males blow up their orange neck sacs, strut around, making booming and other noises, fly up into the air with other males, and otherwise carry on, to attract the few females that are looking for a mate. The Wray Chamber of Commerce and the local historical society organize bus tours out to a lek on a private ranch, where participants can sit in a trailer blind and watch the spectacle. It does mean that you have to get up early (we met at 4:40 AM in town) and you have to be very quiet while you watch the nearby birds, but it is a sight I will never forget! It's like watching a special on the nature channel, but instead you are watching it in person. After a couple of hours at the blind you drive to a ranch building where volunteers serve pancakes, eggs, bacon, etc. for breakfast. This event is a lucrative fundraiser for the historical society and the town puts a lot of effort into its smooth operation. It is well worth the $100 price tag and having to get up early! The Wray Chamber of Commerce website provides more details.
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