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prairie heritage center

prairie heritage center

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • wundirboy
    A truly modern nature center located in the country in Obrien County, Iowa. There are hiking trails here as well as the nature center. There are things for kids as well as adults. They also have a nice conference room with wi-fi available. The lower level often has traveling exhibits. Close to the Little Sioux River there is river access available. Bald Eagle watching is common from the nature center in the winter months. The center is located in the Little Sioux River Valley and is quite scenic. There are many wildlife management areas located nearby. All are open to public access, including hunting. But most have no groomed trails but if you like a little more rugged hiking you are welcome to hike anywhere. Location maps for the Waterman areas are available in the nature center.
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