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santo domingo pueblo

santo domingo pueblo

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • maas_johnf
    We cane here the first time some thirty years ago. It was during their important Christmas feast involving the entire pueblo starting on Christmas day and lasting four days. We braved the cold and witnessed their sacred corn dance. The impression has affected us all these years. We look forward to seeing it again some day. Today we drove slowly through the dirt streets of the pueblo looking at the adobe houses and the two beautifully maintained kivas (a sacred place where religious ceremonies take place). Some homes will open up to sell their pueblo art. Or the filling station at the entrance just off of I-25 has a place where Santo Domingo artists sell their wares, such as turquoise jewelry and pottery. The church in the pueblo is beautiful and traditional. Santo Domingo is the headquarters for the many pueblos in New Mexico. Photos are strictly forbidden and can lead to confiscation of the camera.
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