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runyan ranches

runyan ranches

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • GeoffWBburg
    We were just driving down the road, touring the good old US of A, through this beautiful part of New Mexico. We saw a road-side stand, drove past, turned around, went back, and got out to stretch. I picked some New Mexico cashews, hot sauce, and salsa, to take home with us, and my wife went to visit and pet the animals. We talked a bit with the fellow manning the stand, got an ice cream, and went on our way toward Artesia. We didn't fish, or do much else, but remember the stop and have since learned a little more about what Runyan Ranches is all about, through Facebook, and think it a worthwhile "enterprise."
  • JasonHobbs
    My family and I visited Runyan Ranches Memorial Day weekend. They have ponds stocked with fish, and will give you a pole and bait if you want to pay to fish hourly. My kids and I caught about 15 fish in an hour on a single pole - black bass, catfish, perch. You can also fish for trout, but you have to keep and pay for what you catch so we didn't do that.There is also a petting zoo, which the kids enjoyed.
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