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hartford public library

hartford public library

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 829mcg
    The library is much more pleasant than it has ever been...why the new look after the remodel makes it modern and adds a lot of light to the place. The selection of books and other media is still very vast...which is a great thing. OK...yes, there are still vagabonds hanging about - pretending to read and some are still unbathed but the library has really good security compared to the past and trouble makers are booted. DO NOT leave any of your items behind...otherwise something might come up missing just like any in any public place. Also, if you need a snack or beverage there is a restaurant right next door.
  • KarenBeth32250
    This library is a real gem! Beautiful architecture and wonderful space inside. The changing art shows are fabulous. A great place to spend a few lovely hours.
  • donnoel
    Rebuilt and fine-tuned in the last two decades, this is a fantastic showcase of books, computer terminals, and much more. A small cafe in the glassed-in front, and upstairs, a changing gallery of art. Upstairs inside, the Hartford Collection, a nonpareil bit of history/.
  • Seafoxed
    This is a library whose clear mission goes far beyond books. I am impressed by how "alive" HPL feels when you walk in the door. it is a library, a community center, and education center, an immigration center, a place to enjoy free live jazz and a place with quiet corners to read! An amazing place - like no other!
  • HikerTraveler
    Very good library recently updated and expanded. Right next to the Wadsworth and Calder's Stegasaurus. Great Twain statue at the entrance.
  • kerokeromania
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