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pawnee rock

pawnee rock

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • HarryR126
    This is an interesting diversion if you are traveling down Highway 56. Once a rock pillar that stood high above the plains, now just the base remains after the small town used the rock for the foundations of the homes and businesses below. But there is still plenty to see and learn here as there are monuments and placards to read and a basic observation deck you can climb up to see for quite a distance.There is no cost and the kids will love it.
  • rap5657
    Pawnee Rock is located a few miles west of Great Bend, Kansas and a few miles from Larnder, Kansas and Fort Larnder the "outpost" of the Santa Fe Trail. Pawnee Rock was a high point along this part of the Santa Fe Trail and was used by both the Pawnee and the Army as a lookout post. To day it is lower as the rock was removed for use in the 1900's, but it has been rebuilt as a Park and a nice rest area.
  • Terylj8
    Pawnee Rock takes you back in time as you climb around the rock. It feels like Indians could be near by! My parents live close and my kids want to go every time we are there. You can still climb around and see forever on the plains of Kansas from the top. I wouldn't make this your destination but something to look at as you stretch your legs on a break from a long drive.
  • greenfr0g
    This attraction is a must-see for anyone interested in the Santa Fe Trail, wagon trains, interesting geology or Native American history. This rock outcropping allows you to see many miles across the prairie in every direction. There are some signs with interesting geological and historical information around the edges of the rock and a tower structure on the top.
  • player24
    Der Pawnee Rock ist eine Erhebung im Westen von Kansas am Rande der gleichnamigen Stadt. Er diente im 19. Jahrhundert den Reisenden auf dem Santa Fe Trail als Wegweiser. Man kann mit dem Auto auf diesen Felshügel hoch fahren und dann die Aussicht auf die weite Ebene genießen. In erster Linie als was für Geschichtsinteressierte in Sachen "Santa Fe Trail".
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