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robert j. dole institute of politics

robert j. dole institute of politics

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 881dianet
    This is a museum of Bob Dole and an area for events sponsored by the Dole Institute. The museum shows the history of Bob Dole. The veterans wall is especially moving. The Dole Institute sponsors events throughout the year. Check their website for details.
  • Soars37
    Mr. Dole is an American Hero, a distinguished former senator (when that was in fact a distinguished position), a consummate politician, and a great American. It's worth a visit to honor Mr. Dole.The highlight to me is the incredibly beautiful American flag window. It's best seen in the afternoon when not in the shade. Unfortunately (IMHO) the view of the window is marred by the placement of large girders from the Twin Towers on either side. While these objects are noteworthy, it's not clear how they are connected with Mr. Dole. They do nothing to enhance viewing of this incredible window and instead make it more difficult to photograph and enjoy. Sometimes donors make gifts that don't add to the purpose of the facility. Perhaps this is the case here.The exhibits describe and show artifacts pertaining to Mr. Dole's career, his service in WW-2, his recuperation from grievous wounds, and of course, his political life. Still the window is why I come and will return when in the area...The Archives would be of interest to anyone researching Mr. Dole and his life/career.
  • mountainoutin
    The displays are informative and nicely presented. Allow about 30 minutes for your visit. If you can, pre-arrange for a tour of the archives which are not open to the public.
  • TheBoysGrandma
    This is an awesome addition to the University of Kansas campus in Lawrence, Ks. Walking into this building you are immediately struck by the awesome display which honors the American veteran and their contributions to our country. The Institute offers wonderful lecture series covering a wide variety of topics relevant to US and global history and current events. Many of the lectures are seen on C-Span. I would recommend people take advantage of this wonderful institute and all that can be learned from the lecture series and the guest speakers who appear.
  • JJN96
    This small venue gives the visitor a great view of Bob Dole's life and political career. The stained glass flag is impressive. The visitor can spend little or lots of time and still walk away more informed.
  • 480nealf
    The institute provides an eccellent biographic view of Dole's entire life. Exhibits show him as a boy in western Kansas during the Great Depression, a young lieutenant during WWII, to a small town lawyer turned politician. Nit only can you kesrn about Dole, but you can lesrn about the times and places in whivh he lived.
  • countryguylawrence
    Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat this is a must see in Lawrence. It is a great tribute to a person who literally spent his entire life in public service. A decorated and wounded veteran of WW II and an affective statesman his entire political career. Although I generally did not agree with Sen. Dole's politics, I respected his positions and particularly his ability to reach across the aisle when things needed to get done.The Institute gives a great insight into Sen. Dole's core and, for some like me, a new appreciation for some of his accomplishments and compromises with great results.It also demonstrates the best of small town America with its focus on Sen. Dole's life in Russell, Kansas.And finally, it gives great honor and homage to those veterans from Kansas who served their country.
  • MontanaClancy
    Loved the Author's Visit.. A chance to hear her speak about her experience left you feeling like you had really been on the battlefield with her. Would go again.. and to top it all.. it's FREE!!
  • keitha661
    the content was interesting and well displayed- the architecture was more fitting for a memorial- a bit odd
  • 611NancyH
    Even if you never supported Dole or the Republican Party, this institute is a treasure trove of history from a Washington insider. The Johnny Carson Tonight Show video with Dole is worth the visit by itself. Be sure to plan ahead and ask for a back room "white glove" tour to see the wonderful archival materials and memorabilia that covers decades.
  • Travel_and_Learn99
    The exhibits are excellent, and brings out Sen Dole as a very personable guy, and his many strong characters. We thoroughly enjoy this little museum. The whole thing took about 1-1.5 hours, and we got a better sense of Sen Dole. This country would be a much better place if we have more leaders and politicians like him. The museum is free for all.
  • Slaniergraham
    I really enjoyed my visit to the Bob Dole Institute in Lawrence. It is filled with history of the country as well as Dole's personal history. Even if you aren't a fellow Republican, you'll enjoy this look at the history - particularly of the 1970s and 1980s. If you call ahead of time and make arrangements, you can take a visit to the archives downstairs. It's well worth checking out!
  • marshag768
    From the architecture of this beautiful building to the unique items inside (world's largest stained-glass American flag, fascinating gifts to Senator Dole from foreign leaders, the wall of photos of WW II veterans, twisted beams from the World Trade Center), visitors will find much to admire. The Institute hosts many interesting programs and lectures by individuals renown for their expertise in politics and other subjects. A must see for visitors to Lawrence and the KU campus.
  • JaniceS189
    This can be an interesting stop on the KU West Campus just to see the Bob Dole exhibits. I've attended special programs and lectures here, and they have been excellent.
  • 30JeffT
    My visits to this place have given me an all new reverence for the Senator from Smalltown, Kansas...
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