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joe palooka statue

joe palooka statue

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Jaysmom214
    A fun little diversion. Easy to find, just a few minutes off the highway. It's a nice example of the local limestone.
  • BarbaraLynnS
    This is a very unique statue showing some of the great craftsmanship of area limestone workers of the day. My mother-in-law well remembered this 'so handsome' hero.
  • Hoosier2
    If you are ever in the Oolitic Indiana area, you should drive to the U.S. Postal Office and stop and see the larger than life limestone statue of Joe Palooka that is displayed there. For those who don't know who Joe Palooka was, and he was really before my time, I believe he was a comic book or funny pages character, a boxer. This limestone statue is a fine example of limestone sculptures that have been carved by local stone masons and shipped around the world. Cut from some of the world's best limestone. Limestone that has been used for buildings for decades around the world.
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