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oak savannah trail

oak savannah trail

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • daniele894
    I have been an avid bicyclist for years and I have only recently discovered this trail! It begins in Oak Ridge Prairie in Griffith, Indiana and travels East nearly to Lake Station, Indiana. The most convenient way to access the trail head is to drive to O.R. Prairie where parking is ample. You can also bike there from the Erie-Lackawanna but be warned, you must take Colfax north for approx. 1 mile on a road that has no shoulders and a railroad crossing. Once you get to the entrance of O.R.P, you must ride a little more than a mile to reach the trail head. The road will take you through beautiful tall grass prairie with very minimal automobile traffic. The most adventurist cyclists can also access the trail by weaving through Griffith, but it requires riding on multiple narrow roads and is definitely not for everyone. There are sections of the trail that travel through Gary, Indiana. I never felt unsafe as the trail is well-maintained and sight-lines are open. However, I would still recommend traveling this trail with a partner. This should NOT deter anyone from cycling here! There are no major roads to cross (the path goes over or under all major intersections). East of I-65, the trail runs through a section of the Dunes National Lakeshore - keep in mind, the trail does not actually run near Lake Michigan.
  • Blevdeb
    This bike/walking path is near my home and we use it all the time. It is well tended and connects for a nice long ride or walk. It is primarily sunny - no tree cover for the bulk of it.
  • BusySteelBoy
    If you are looking for a good place to get in shape, exercise or just walk or bike in nature, this is a good place to start. Trail is paved. I use it to ride my bike, and not worry about car traffic. In the summer time the view is beautiful.
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