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greensboro public library

greensboro public library

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • emblemaccess
    I was delighted to see the enthusiasm in a least one of the check out staff and their helpfulness to the patrions
  • MartiAbell
    Our primary objective was the Children's Museum, and this building is right across the street with easy access via a nice wide crosswalk. Upon entering, there is a snack bar and used book section. I enjoyed a latte there, as did my husband and daughter later. Our grandson found it hard to leave the museum, so I took my Nook Tablet there and sat in a comfortable chair on the main floor. There is an interesting metal sculpture there as you enter the main floor. It seems modern and well laid out.
  • Mommyjojo2004
    Felt the need to secure all bags, children and personal items. Getting past the crowd to even get into the building felt very scary.........they need to clean up the area so you feel safe going in. They have a great selection but its too scary to enter downtown
  • Travelingtrio2013
    Our family loves books so visits to the library are special. We have experienced many different public libraries in all the cities we have lived, and Greensboro's libraries are bright, clean and efficiently run, but are simply lacking in the number of books and options offered. Maybe it is the fact that so many great colleges are in the area. The facilities are great. Just want more books.
  • NewSrTraveler
    Every library in the system has it's own personality. My favorite is the one off of New Garden Road that is built in a wooded setting with a Frank Lloyd Wright style and is furnished in a modern style. There is even a screened in porch with rockers. When entering, be sure to look up. There is a great mural on the ceiling. Another library in the system focuses on the arts. If you want to see creativity, visit the Yanceyville Road library.
  • Lolasmama11
    I am always shocked at the lack of books in the Library system. My much smaller home town has many more options than here.
  • ncsearch
    I have always loved libraries. The downtown library is a great place to use the research materials. The librarians are very helpful when searching in the reference department. There is a lot of material on the different counties. There is also a very good microfilm selection of past newspapers. There are many local branches- which is where I generally go. If there is a boom at any other branch you can request it sent to your local branch for pickup.Some of the drawbacks: Main downtown library. Parking- generally one has to park in the parking deck near the library - not my favorite place to park. There is on street parking, but is usually taken. It is very hard to find a free computer terminal. Although there is a limit of 60 minutes of use when demand is high. In the old location there was a Guilford Room, that had a HUGE amount of reference material for researchers in one place. In the new location it is spread out and some of it is in the basement storage , which has to be requested and then retrieved by a librarian.Has a great children's room and good selection of books and videos for children.I do like that I can make an interlibrary loan request and is usually fulfilled with 3-4 weeks. Interlibrary means books that are at libraries in other cities or states.All in all the Greensboro library system is an excellent system to use. There are many local branches so a library is close to most of the population.
  • Pujagoks
    I either check their monthly events flyer or their website and take my daughter for book readings, crafts, magic shows, movie screenings etc. They offer a lot of fun events for kids.
  • KetaB
    My family recently starting frequenting the library and we love it. My young daughters are both avid readers and were very surprised at how many books there were that the schools don't have. Also the librarians were super helpful locating books that were not in the main branch, and even called and held them for us at another branch. I have also used the library to find old newspaper and magazine articles for research and there are plenty of computers for use. In the past, we have attended a poetry reading and book signing and visit the coffee shop occasionally. I think this is a fine example of how today's library should be. I also learned the the Greensboro Historical Museum is an extension of the library and is free to the public.
  • Earthlady
    multi levels,bright cheery and clean. And a coffee shop, what more could you want. There's still nothing like the feel of a real book in your hands. The reference section here is fantastic, especially for historical information
  • OnionOrion
    A great resource with a variety of programs for people of all ages, both at the central branch and at the smaller, neighborhood branches. GPL sponsors Poetry Greensboro every April, hosts various literary events, including a monthly open microphone poetry night, provides meeting and viewing spaces for numerous educational functions, and a formidable selection of books and magazines, including books for e-readers, audio books, movies and videos. And all free to residents!
  • CarolK366
    The central library still looks new with a classy design that looks contemporary to the train station called The Depot, which is nearby. It is across the street from the Children's Museum, which is also great entertainment. Greensboro also has several branches throughout the city. Many have been renovated or are new. Most have a special focus in addition to the regular collection. My favorite library branch is the Kathleen Clay Edwards Family Branch in Price Park. What a fabulous idea to turn a former company's park for employee picnics into a library and public park. The building itself is styled like you would imagine a company get-away to be. I can't think of the word. Lodge? It has a screened-in porch, 2 community rooms, and a fireplace. It's special focus is nature, of course, in addition to the usual adult, youth, and children's collections. They also have numerous public PC stations. I can't praise the atmosphere or location enough. The many services the Greensboro Public Library offers are also a big draw for me. I use the online library often to request books, movies, and audiotapes from other branches. I am then notified when they come to this branch for pick-up. I use the online library to renew items or place them on hold. As needed, I use online databases for research or business questions. You can get full-text of many articles this way.As you can see, I'm a heavy user of the services, but I would recommend it for casual use as well. Great place to rest and relax and read the newspaper. Then, if you feel energetic, you can take the walking trails through the woods and by the pond.
  • heels94GreensboroNC
    Beautiful facility, good selection of books on CD, easy access with adjacent parking deck (they will validate so you can park for 1 hour for free during workdays and parking is free on the weekend).
  • CMF-NC
    The downtown library has a great selection of all kinds of books, spread out over two floors; and also periodicals and films. There's also a large children's section, a good reference section, informative and helpful staff, plus many public computers scattered throughout the library and a separate computer room, as well. There's a coffee shop and large meeting rooms on the main floor, and featured art throughout the library. Additionally, there's a sunroom on the first floor and a quiet corner upstairs with desks that are set up for laptop users. The library has wifi, including in the coffee shop and meeting rooms. There are benches in a small park area outside. There's metered parking on the street and in a City parking deck next door (first hour is free). The Children's Museum is across the street and the Historical Museum is next door. The library is on the bus route. And there's much more to do and see at the downtown library. I recommend a visit! :)
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