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the glass feather studio

the glass feather studio

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • OldHandatThis
    In addition to hunting waterfalls in the Brevard area recently, we also engaged in some shopping along the scenic 276 corridor. On the way to DuPont State Forest is the Glass Feather Studio, a family owned and operated shop of handmade glass items and photography of the area. One is first introduced to this little piece of heaven by driving up the one-lane, circular dirt road up to the owner's studio and home that is surrounded by forest, flowers, and their artistic creations. Upon arriving, the view is amazing, for one can see for miles. The studio itself is surrounded by the owner's gardens, where they have strategically placed their creations within the environment. The whole area is peaceful and serene, and visitors are encouraged to stroll the grounds. Wildlife, such as deer and bear, may be seen on occasion. The owners have placed birdfeeders just outside the studio's screened porch, where they have also placed comfortable rockers on the inside, so that guests can watch the bird action close at hand.The owners themselves greeted everyone warmly, and then they take their guests on the tour of their studio. Once the 5-minute tour was complete, we were left to wander through the studio and gardens at our leisure. The items are beautiful, well-made, and also utilitarian in nature, as they are dishwasher-safe. There were many, many items we wanted, but on this trip we settled on one piece. Both me and my DH felt that the Glass Feather has a really good vibe about it, both from the grounds and from the hosts, themselves. It is definitely worth the little over 2 mile drive off the main road, and we will be back.
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