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willie's steakhouse

willie's steakhouse

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 763amberw
    A few friends and I decided to go here for the seafood special because we heard it was good. When I think good I expect something tasty not necessarily exquisite. I was not at all impressed with the service. The waitress was less than thrilled to be working and much less thrilled to make separate tickets for a table of 5. We waited for at least an hour, probably more, for our food. All of us ordered the special except for 1 which would make you think that it should be fairly quick. Not so. The food when it arrived was average. The salmon was dry and overcooked. The amout of food for the price was decent bit the quality of the food was not. Needless to say I was disappointed, but mostly because of the lack of customer service. In a small town you would expect friendliness not bitterness.
  • 77mockmotorspitcher
    its great to go to a place and the owners serve your drinks.........get here early as the place is the best eats around hand county and it fills up.........also they serve prime rib during hunting season and weekends........my wife enjoyed what they call a knuckle sandwich.........good job and good luck !!
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