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sacramento national wildlife refuge

sacramento national wildlife refuge

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • maspdx
    We have visited here previously. There is a nice visitors center. We arrived late in the afternoon and just did the auto tour. We saw a variety of wildlife including ducks, geese and deer. Specifically we saw Shovelers, egrets, coots and snow geese. Always worth the time to take the tour.
  • johngQ6316IP
    If you want see nature at it's best this is the place. You can go anytime of year and see many different types of water fowl and birds in the comfort of your car while driving the good unpaved roads around the very large area.
  • TwoTeaTotalers
    Late fall and early winter is the perfect time of year to visit the refuges. We try and do at least 2 "units" while in the area.The weather usually is cooler and many birds have returned to spend the winter months. The auto tours are especially fun as you are hidden from the birds in your car, and are able to get up close and personal. We cruise along on the gravel roadways very slowly. Amoung the wetlands and grasslands. Don't be in a hurry, take your time. Our dog also loves to look out her window at all the busyness. Do borrow some very powerful binoculars, or a monocular to really see the waterfowl just hanging out. This last visit we saw Sandhill Cranes at the Llano Seco area. Super cool! Highly recommended.
  • Pensive2
    Lots of wading birds and other critters. Organized with a visitor center. They will loan you binoculars.
  • aprildoornbos
    This is the closest of the three refuges in this area, it is overwhelming at first and its not even peak migration season for wintering birds such as the beautiful Tundra Geese and millions of other aviary species that are crammed into these tiny wetland habitats that for thousands of years these migratory birds use a resting, feeding and nesting haven but consider the amount of vital habitat these species of birds have been reduced to accommodating such vast numbers of water fowl, such conditions can only promote diseases to incubate or spread in these high concentration of inter species are forced into. Although this facility does take tremendous efforts to keep this vital habitat in pristine condition and encourage the growth of native plants to grow and produce food for returning flocks that come and go throughout the four seasons. There is a 6$ entrance fee that is well spent maintaining this important complex and the amazing job the staff does educating the public and future generations. Only a little over an hours drive to this refuge from the capital of California, Sacramento, it is well worth the scenic drive to appreciate natures finest crucial wetlands that are now only a fraction of what they once were. Sadly I couldn't take photos because my batteries were dead, by I will return and take pictures on my return. The phone number for more info is 530-934-2801
  • RoadValkyrie
    Got some great pics on the auto tour, and the walking tour was nice. Probably not the best time of year though.
    A really nice walking trail along small ponds and marsh areas. Also an auto tour along several small lakes. Ducks and geese weren't disturbed by my vehicle and had the opportunity for great close up pictures for Northern Shovelers, Mallards, Pintail, Buffleheads and Ring Necked Ducks. Not to mention 1000's of White Front Geese, Snow Geese and Ross's Geese.
  • Shanti108
    This is one of the most incredible places to visit and hike through. Its a very well managed refuge. We saw Canadian Geese, Snow Geese, Golden Eagles, Turtles, Mallards, Cormorants, Herons, Blue Herons, all kinds of Birds I didn't recognize, pheasant, hawks. A place of beauty and wonder. We did the auto tour and then did the hike. Hundreds of voices -- it is a incredible sound only to be found here.. What a song they sing. It's a joy to stop and listen to them.
  • bigbasin
    I recommend both the Sacto and the Colusa Wildlife Refuge. There is a charge for the Sacto auto tour, but the one in Colusa, no charge.
  • Ruby_Jayne
    A visit in autumn is highly recommended. The vast number and variety of birds is something to behold. Even if you are not a bird enthusiast you will still enjoy it here. There is a short interpretive trail and you will see lots of wildlife.
  • GregArizona
    Just a 10 minute drive from the Hotel. Beautiful preserve with lots of bunnies! Oh, and birds too! worth the $5 entry fee.
  • mermaid82001
    Our audubon group visited 2 wildlife refuges in January: Colusa & Sacramento. Sacramento is larger and has a Visitor Center. There were MANY migrating birds throughout this large refuge. We saw several species of geese, teals,pintuck ducks, ibis, herons, bald eagles, hawks and pheasant. Also saw a raccoon washing his paws in creek. You drive the Autotrail, stay in your car and view the wildlife. There are stations along the way to get out and stretch and take pictures and a photography blind also. There is a large, elevated viewing platform here also, and a pit toilet. This place is great for viewing the wildlife in the area. Kids would love it too. There's a picnic area. The Visitor Center has a nice selection of books, cards, etc. This is a place I'll come back to again and again. Don't miss it if you're a nature lover!
  • DonnaP918
    Even if you are not a nature-lover, the sight of hundreds of thousands of ducks and geese circling overhead with the cacophany of sound stirs the blood. Late fall and winter on the refuge gives you a sense of what the natural world was like before man was here. The six-mile tour route takes you past dozens of fields and ponds holding an assortment of waterfowl. You can drive at your own pace, stopping as often as you want to gaze, wonder and photograph the waterfowl, pheasants, deer, and other wildlife you encounter. We have taken this trip many times and no two are ever the same. Just make sure you stay for sunset or sunrise, because the pink and orange sky filled with white geese will be one of your most memorable experiences ever. It's like being on the inside of a just-shaken snowdome!
  • seas2sea
    Great place to bird watch and take some fantastic photos. Do take the time to go off the beaten path and drive through. Stop and talk with people and employees within the Refuge.
  • Local95932
    This is a great place for bird watchers. There are lots of local birds year round and migratory birds at certain times. The Refuge is closed during nesting season, so be sure to check.
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