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grave creek covered bridge

grave creek covered bridge

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • hamellr
    One of my personal favorite bridges, mostly because of the history in the region. It's now open again, repairs are finished. https://gravecreekranch.wordpress.com
  • CarolLake69
    Visit the Grave Creek covered bridge for a history lesson. See the grave site of Martha Crowley who died there after crossing Mt. Sexton. Historical maker. Next to the Applegate Museum which is a very interesting place it self.
  • Sungron
    This is a nice enough bridge, but how long can one marvel at a country bridge? What's special about it? Oh, I know. It's a covered bridge. It's good for a 5 minute photo op but that seems to be about it. There are thousands like it throughout the country with a much more impressive history. If you're passing by check it out, but don't go far out of your way.
  • janel664
    This old wooden covered bridge over Grave Creek is interesting. It makes you think about times past and the people and animals that used the bridge. Jane L.
  • rap5657
    I have stop here a number of times and have enjoyed the stop. Good info about the Applegate Trail. Stop take some photos and enjoy.
  • BoatGrl
    Nice bridge, but in the midst of renovations/construction, so not exactly a peaceful stop. Probably would be nice once renovations are completed, and good due to proximity to the Applegate Interpretive Center.
  • LeslieM447
    Went there in mid-Sept 2013, and the bridge is blocked off. Maybe for repairs? If you want to explore the whole area, there appears to be a detour to another back road -- But we were just interested in going across the bridge and taking some pictures of what we'd been told is a pretty little valley just beyond.Well, it's only a minute off the freeway (I-5, exit 71), so we will try again on another trip through southern Oregon.
  • TravelSister_10
    It is a covered bridge, in a nice location, and easy to reach from I-5. But after snapping a few pictures, there is nothing more to do but continue on your travels.
  • jamesccasterline
    When in Sunny Valley if you take the exit and head east of I-5 you are there. You can see it from the freeway. It is not remarkable as they go but it is convenient to get to.
  • Aok98
    If you are traveling on Interstate 5 in Southern Oregon and have never seen a covered bridge, this is your chance. Oregon has over 50 covered bridges, mostly in Western Oregon. This one is just a mile off I-5, exit 70 and you will see signs telling you where to exit. It's free and worth a look.
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