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spectrum sunstone mine

spectrum sunstone mine

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Omillett
    Looking for a different activity? This could be it. Go to Spectrum Mine, and dig with the actual miners, keeping all that you find! You can buy a run of processed ore and just pick the keepers off the belt (easiest and fastest), you can sieve ore that is carted over to you, or you can grab a pick and hack into a pit - whatever floats your boat. The owners/operators are friendly and will give you pointers, but by and large they will treat you as an adult and expect you to fend for yourself. Camping is welcome, and they have some simple cabins (no electricity, a shared shower/restroom block) if you want to stay - which is recommended. There are NO services locally, and no electricity (no internet/mobile phone connectivity!)- so be prepared - bring food, drink, sleeping needs (air mattresses, sleeping bags etc...), toiletries - its glamping without the glamour. I had so much fun on my first visit, I came back for a second stay! I got many multiples my fee dig price worth of rough sunstones - now I just need to get them all cut and make jewellery (LOTS of jewellery). Kids would have fun and would enjoy finding lots of gems, but be careful of the heat and sun. Not sure dogs would be a good idea - they could easily get lost in the middle of nowhere, and there are coyotes, etc...
  • elenicnm
    We went to the mine with no previous experience and had fun! The folks running the place were friendly and helpful. I would go back and probably pay for a site with higher quality and more sun stones but since our free digging wasn't yielding all that much we did the belt for an hour where we got some cool specimens. While the free dig sites were available I thought the price of the conveyer belt run was a little steep....just a little. Once in the Plush area you are isolated, very isolated, so bring everything you need, including TP. But it is gorgeous and very interesting.
  • cats33
    If your a real rockhound and you appreciate great collecting, this is the place. Be prepared to be isolated. Plush Oregon is the last place to to get any supplies but you'll pay top dollar. Your best good sized town is Lakeview Or. Get gas and water for sure, and unless your camping, stay there. Follow the directions found on the internet for the Spectrum sunstone mine. Be aware the last 20 miles are gravel. Not a bad road but some sections the gravel may be large.and if have worn tires, well good luck. You will be turning at the Dust Devil mine, It was not open to the public at the time I was there, June 2012. When you pass the picnic table/ sun shelter, start looking for a teepee way off to your left. That's the mine. The people at the mine are great and very helpful. You will have several choices of styles of collecting. We chose the conveyor belt first, but while waiting we were shown how to dig and find the sunstones, then allowed to dig until the conveyor belt was ready. We are from Pennsylvania so this was all a very new type of collecting. I strongly suggest you spen several days at the mine or mine area. It's a long way in the middle of nowhere so enjoy!. There is free camping and collecting on the BLM collecting area. The Spectrum mine has 3 cabins and a Teepee which are free on a first come basis and and assuming you paid for one of the collecting events. These are spartan, that is you need your own gear. Please go to the web site for spectrum mine and you will find all you need to know. We were very successful at finding plenty of the sunstones. The red, green and schiller are about 10% of what you'll find. The straw colored stones are plentiful and a large percentage will facet beautifully. The people at the mine, Jesica and Chris do faceting so they can help. Don't forget to look up at night
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