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valle travel stop

valle travel stop

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 773kk
    I had to stop by and post a review exspecially after reading these other comments, First, to the 76 gas station comment I stopped at both to find out, Gas there is no difference in price if there is not that much 76 staff is no where as friendly as when I stopped at the Valle Travel Stop. The Rip Off comment if you know about gas station and using your card outside at a pump that is automatic at most gas stations. I know I work for one in New Mexico, and that is the pump has nothing to do with the staff. Now for my experience was outstanding the staff was very friendly and so helpful and polite. I probably spent at least an hour looking at everything and the Rock Shop in the same parking lot. They have the cleanest bathrooms.Happy from New Mexico
  • tomm877
    Buy your gas at the 76 Station in RED LAKE, about Mile Post 184. It's a boatload cheaper there!!! Otherwise, the place is nice, good souvenirs, nice motel/restaurant.
  • bigbangman
    They. Charge your credit card an additional $127 plus the cost. Of. Gas. You do not. Find. out until later.thaat you have been. Over. Charged They blame it on chevron and say they over. Charge everyone. Be fore. Hanging. Up on you !!BEWARE.
  • JuneHB_10
    Friendly staff, bought cowboy boots for my daughter. We got good help with the shopping :-) Liked this shop a lot!
  • edge8400
    If you are traveling north to the Grand Canyon on Hwy 64 you must stop to walk through this travel stop. It is a 1950's themed small museum/gift shop complete with a display of about 10 antique cars of various vintage (Model T, Model A, Ford Fairlane, a Thunderbird, old Chevy Police car, a customized chopper, an old Mustang, and a chopped low riding Model T along with a few others). It provided a nice break from the drive and looking through the shop was a treat in itself. Very courteous staff working the station and shop as well.
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