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the jack rabbit trading post

the jack rabbit trading post

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • RCMoeur
    We've stopped many times in front of the world-famous yellow sign and F.A.S.T. fiberglass bunny, and every single time* the Jacquez family has extended a warm greeting and a friendly invitation. The items within aren't always your typical tourist-trap fare - there are some unique and original items, including a full line of HERE IT IS wear. And they have snacks, drinks, and packaged ice cream, too. No I-40 / Route 66 road trip is complete without a photo with the sign or the bunny (or both).Note: the restroom facilities may be limited (high desert septic system and all that).*not when they're closed for the evening, of course.
  • Bullfrog73
    Another nostalgic Route 66 stop that is well worth the effort. Staff are super friendly and their prices were the cheapest we encountered along the highway!Cool photos to be had with the big sign, a large Jack Rabbit kids can sit on and the store itself.Remember a 10 minute stop and small purchase helps keep this history alive!
  • LiciaW
    This trading post is located on a dead end piece of rt66. It was famous for the billboards up and down rt66, which had the silhouette of a jackrabbit and the distance from that sign to the trading post. It was extremely quiet when we were there, and I can’t image it ever gets busy.We had our pictures taken on the large fibreglass rabbit (rude not to) and went inside to see what strange souvenirs we could bring home. We bought a t-shirt and some prickly pear jam, and a few drinks then set off for the next trading post.Stop off if you're on Rt66.
  • MarcoBacalhau
    Somente uma loja de souvenir. Mas tirar foto junto a placa "here it is" é obrigatório na Rota 66.Aproveite para se refrescar e tirar fotos na Original Route 66.Dentro da loja, existe uma sala com preciosidades.
  • paolod375
    Non è che ci sia qualcosa di eccezionale da vedere, ma sicuramente un simbolo della Route 66, divertente, unico ed originale. Questo negozio di gadgets, con t-shirts, tazze ed oggetti vari con il disegno del buffo coniglio. Una grande insegna, una statua di plastica ed un grande disegno sulla parete della casa. Ed intorno il nulla!!! Atmosfera fantastica!!!
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