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crime & punishment museum

crime & punishment museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • doll28
    It's been a while since I've been here, I enjoyed the history lesson I received as well as some humoristic information (kind of a Believe It Or Not experience). I have recommended it to family and friends from both near and far.
  • SteveJ3305
    If you are fascinated by crime and the punishments received this is the place for you! Crimes and punishments from medieval times to today are outlined in great detail. Especially interesting is the punishments and the artifacts used in medieval times. You can spend a lot longer than the two hours they suggest in this museum. Skip the audio they offer because it's not worth it when everything is written down that it tells you as well. There is even a section of the end on forgery of items today. We spent about 5 hours there and didn't even have time for this.
  • thecraftygal
    Thoroughly enjoyed our visit, our guide was MORE than friendly! He grew up in this town and he added so much to our tour with his knowledge, his stories, and his personality!
  • dickens72
    This is a great place to visit if you have a few hours to spare. Lots of information such as the mob, Ted Bundy, the various torture devices used over time, the death penalty in the US. You can also help solve a murder, both through examining the crime scene, autopsy, finger printing, ballistics etc. Great for kids and adults alike.
  • 747SarahA
    My family wanted to really check this place out. We stopped in on a Saturday and there was a sign that was still posted closed for renovations. We were kinda bummed about not being able to see it. I think when it opens will be a great place to go. The building is pretty neat and we peaked in the front door windows. They are supposed to have a café as well but it was also closed with the museum.
  • 909LindaC
    We were here on March 27 2014. It was closed for renovations. It didn't say how long it would be closed. Looked like an interesting place. Would have liked to see it.
  • JosephY179
    The Crime & punishment Museum is located in a lovely building that resembles a B&B. It is is in downtown, Ashburn, Ga. across from the Chamber of Commerce ( 229.567.9696). Call to be sure that they will be open when you arrive; they do not have set hours all the time.It is operated by volunteers and the Chamber. The museum houses a small collection of Sheriff's and prisoner artifacts. On the second floor, you can tour the jail, hanging chamber, and electric chair. The museum is worth a stop if you are in the area ........ not worth a long drive to see it. The guided tour lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your interest.
  • Gwen1051
    Very fun tour and fun pictures. Not far off the highway. 20 min. video. Little cafe was not open.
  • MrsBaum
    I wish i'd known that this place wasn't that great once i got in and i would just have looked at Ted Bundy's car and left. Some of the exhibits weren't working, that should have been interactive, and although it was off season they shouldn't charge so much if they aren't going to put on the same things.Best thing was a machine that spat out a fingerprint card with a fake crime on it and we did it until we got a funny one!
  • theskittler
    My fiance and I were on our way to Cordele, GA and decided to strech our legs at the next site that seemed interesting to us. We passed a billboard for the "Crime and Punishment Museum" and it peaked our curiosity. The museum was easy to find, and was in a beautiful old house. The cost was $6 per person for the tour. As we learned from the tour guide, the house was used from the 1800's to 1993 as a jail. The sheriff would live in the bottom half of the house and the jail was located in the upper portion. The tour was GREAT and I would highly recommend the stop! Also right next door to the museum is a piece of architecture that you have to stop and see... it's the Town Hall.(Pictures soon to be posted)TiffanyJacksonville, FL
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