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gruta das torres

gruta das torres

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • JessicaS31
    This guided tour was really great! First we came there and our book said the cave would be open untill 17.30h. This was not the case. The last guided tour ended then. So we had to come back the day after. Luckily we had time to do so. Please make a reservation up front. Our guide spoke english really well. He took time to explain everything. The group was about 14 people and that was a perfect amount. During the tour he puts out the lights, which was really nice. Please take your hiking shoes and a sweater and enjoy! Good luck to the people from Grutta des Torres, who are doing an excellent job on showing the cave in its most natural way.
  • 1_Puteshestvennik
    Interesting experince to be inside a real old lava flow. The best feeling was when the guide put off the torch and asked everybody to keep silence to listen to the cave.
  • Abolger12
    I think this is one of the best caves I've been in. Small groups, real natural with just your flashlight, and you hike through it like it was just formed. And the tour was very informative and I learned a lot from it.
  • LuisTN
    Another fantastic prove of what nature has to show us and make us feel really smal..This is one of the single caves in the world that hasn't been touched by the human... No intevention at all.The visit is made with no support but the light in your head.It's really an adventure.Recommend for sure.
  • Kapatro
    This was verry interesting to visit, but dark :-), a nice part of a Vulcano. It is not so easy to find, we passed it the first time
  • BelfastBonzo
    This is a one hour trip, there's a short introduction video then a guided walk through a section of the caves. Quite interesting to see different types of lava in one place. Ok if you are a bit claustrophobic. All the chambers are quite high, you have to duck between a couple of chambers but it's only one step to move from area to the next. There are no small parts or squeezes.
  • Redbournite
    The trip starts with an interesting film which gives background information about how the larva tubes were formed. One is given a hard hat and a torch and off one goes! The guide was very informative and frequently stopped to explain various features . The surface is , at times, quite rough and very sharp thus one needs to wear stout shoes. Highlight is when all torches are extinguished and one is left in complete darkness. No artificial lighting at all , all lighting is solely by torch light. Great experience . Plenty of time given to take photos
  • Cassillis
    Well I didn't expect this.......Pico is a lovely island formed by volcanic eruption. Little wonder then that a huge lava tube was found below the surface in the north of the island. What made this interesting for me was how it had been left in it's unspoilt and original state. They have built a 50m concrete path at the entrance but that's it. The rest is as nature left it thousands of ears ago. No paths, no artificial lighting no fairy grottos or fake waterfalls, simply an amazing hole in the ground with some stunning lava formations. Not suitable for those who have mobility problems or those who are clostraphobic. Stout shoes. Trainers/sneakers are a minimum, your walking on sharp Lava so flip flops/thongs and sandals are out. A good torch if you have one, the ones supplied weren't up to the job.
  • Eratolin
    The cave is big, but the guiding is so-so. All travellers with different languages are mixed together in the same group, so the guide has to repeat the same thing in different languages to the same group of people. It will be much better if they can group visitors by languages.
  • drsgbaker
    Really interesting tour, suitable for children and adults in terms of length and content. Well worth the entrance fee.
    It was one of the highlights of our trip to Azores and more specifically to the beautiful Pico Island. We arrived there at 12:05PM, slightly late for the 12:00PM visit, but they decided that we could have the guided visit only the 2 of us (me and my husband), as there was anyone else to go. So, we had the privilege of having a private tour! First we watch an informative film (interesting and not long) and then we were given an helmult and a torch each and off we go to the cave together with the guide! Take some trekking shoes with a good adherence as the path can be a bit slippery and take a light jacket as it is not warm inside.Our guide (don't remember her name, sorry) was very nice and very knowledgeable about the cave, its formation, the several types of lava that could be identified and showing us the bacteria and fungus colonies with different colors. We had all the time we wanted to take pictures. It was a great time! Don’t miss the opportunity to visit a cave – lava tunnel - in almost its natural condition with no electric light or a path too easy to walk!!!
  • jspez
    This was a really fun excursion on Pico. This is the largest volcanic tunnel in Portugal and is quite an interesting tour. Even if you're not into science the location is spectacular and the tour is short enough that even kids should be able to endure it.
  • MedlS
    Young men-guide with a lot of knowlidge and very good english, very interesting and interactive visit. I can definitely recommend the visit!
  • SCagray
    We went to this lava tunnel tour on a rainy day in Pico. Anna was our guide and she did a great job of conveying the uniqueness and adventure of this tour. We loved her enthusiasm. The lava tunnel experience is very unique to Pico and this one in particular is woth seeing. It is presented in an educational way that allows you to get more information about these tunnels, how they are formed, and what is living inside them. Amazing!This is a great way to spend two hours. You are out of the elements and can enjoy something very unique to Pico. It is highly recommended.Wear good shoes.
  • c0rita
    Portugal's largest lava tunnel. Nicely organized with a film as a starter. Knowlegible staff. For those who are claustrophobic it's not for you and wear suitable shoes has it has some slippery spots.
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