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the forbidden corner

the forbidden corner

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • minx82
    我和朋友突发奇想地去了Forbidden Corner。到了约克郡,本来打算在主题公园玩两天,但发现其实只需要一条。看过评论后,我们就想多出来的一天不妨来这儿看看。真开心我们这样做了。一共逛了三个小时,每条小径每个地方都留下了我们的足迹,进门的时候得到一张观光说明,上面所有的景点和值得一看的地方都有标注,这样一来任何地方都不会错过了。这个地方管理的完善让我们大为惊讶,创造如此完美地方的想象力也让人惊叹。提醒大家的是,这里惊喜连连,最好要有心理准备,突然的怪叫,死胡同,喷出的水,这些都是家常便饭哦。要是我们住得近的话,真希望还能再来,每次来肯定感受都大不相同。都是奔三的人了,来这儿却看到了各种年龄段的朋友,哈哈。
  • LouLouIpswich
  • JoyA141
  • Bladeowner
    Brave and intrepid guest thou has survived y maze of follies and delights for this I congratulate you with honours….Younglings as well as forefathers enjoy there times here at The Forbidden Corner… Come back with haste and embrace my labyrinth once more. Stoln Cairngorm – Grand Wizard
  • garyfridgeman
  • NannandD
    Thank you for writing such a positive review, we are always getting asked on the telephone if The Forbidden Corner is just for children, but we like to think it's for children of al ages, Adults also get a lot of enjoyment from the attraction. Only two weeks until we re-open again for a new seasonHope to see you all again soon
  • 931barbarah931
    Thank you for taking the time to post a review, It's very rewarding for management and staff to hear positive comments from satisfied customers. We stock our Café with mainly locally sourced foods and use award winning suppliers, we are always trying our best to offer value for money.We are thrilled your 6yr old loved the attraction and hope to see you again in the near future.Thanks again
  • 129elliem
    Thank you for posting a review, It's nice getting positive ones such as yours and we are very pleased your whole family enjoyed the experience.We work very hard here trying to make the visit fun for all visitors and are constantly investing back into the attraction to hopefully make it even better.Thanks once again.
  • 905stevieg
    Thank you for posting an excellent review.We advertise ourselves as "The strangest place in the world" but Wow! we are thrilled you think of The Forbidden Corner as "The best place in the world"Here at Forbidden Corner we are constantly working harder to make the attraction the best it can be.Thanks once again and we look forward to seeing you in the near future.
  • AlisonD934
    Thank you for taking the time to write a review, We really enjoy Halloween at The Forbidden Corner, every year we seem to get more and more customers coming dressed up as Ghosts, witches & Wizards etc.The Fancy dress competition is real fun and very hard picking the winners as there are so many very good costumes.We are very pleased you enjoyed the experience.Thanks again
  • AlWhite123
    Thank you for posting such a positive review.We also try not to tell customers to much about what to expect at Forbidden Corner, as finding all there is to see is most of the fun.We are working very hard to make the experience better each year.We hope to welcome you to The Forbidden Corner again soonThanks again
  • jenna00
    Thank you for such a positive review, The Forbidden Corner is set in beautiful Coverdale and we are very lucky to live and work in such a lovely place.We are always trying to improve the attraction, our gift shop is stocked with items to remind you of your visit and our Café uses mainly local produce from award winning suppliers, we are always trying to give our customers the best value for money.Hope to see you again the next time you visit Yorkshire.Thanks again
  • 260amyt
    Thank you very much for this positive review, It's very rewarding for management and our staff to hear that customers have had such a fun day here.We do have staff patrolling the grounds who are there to help anyone separated or lost from their friends or family.We are pleased you had a good time and hope to see you again.
  • michaelsZ3464SN
    Thank you for taking the time to post a review.We do appreciate all comments good or bad. At our admissions desk we do sell pencils/pens for the purpose of marking off the clue sheets at 50p each, which we do not really think too pricey, these are branded with our logo etc, so after your visit the children can take these home as a reminder of their day out. We work very hard on our pricing at Forbidden Corner and feel compared to many other attractions we are very good value for money, in fact we are often told what good value for money the attraction is.We hope this didn't spoil the experience too much for you and hope to see you again some time.Thanks again
  • 2108julie
    Thank you for taking the time to post a review. it's always nice receiving positive remarks from returning customers, We are pleased you enjoyed you stay here and your visit to The Forbidden Corner.We look forward to seeing you again in the warmer months.Thanks again
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