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comedy carpet

comedy carpet

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • jantex
  • Pavorossi
  • SharonJ606
    好吧,我每次来都会找到点儿新的东西。老实说,在那儿,我没有什么不喜欢的,很好玩。最后,你的脸上总会露出微笑。这肯定不能是坏事儿,你说呢?去商店等地方也都很方便。你可以坐下,享受野餐或者喝点儿什么……大蒜面包——这是未来的王道! ! !
  • accylass
    用这种方式让自己高兴起来,太棒了——就像是用语言表达的老明信片! ! !这样消磨差不多一个小时,开心一下,真不错。也许,外国人不会完全听懂那里说的幽默,但也还值得一去,看看精致的地毯图案。推荐大家从塔上欣赏景色,也可以从塔上下来,在四周走走,会让你眼前一亮。
  • ahamaton
  • leenjem03
    This is brilliant !! great few hours out to read all the funny quotes and jokes :) right on the sea front under the tower. amazing views of the sea and the piers and also the wonderful tower. why not grab a coffee or some traditional fish and chips and take a seat right on the carpet itself!!
  • 27damianc
    its amazing would take me 100 years to read lol but i love it back too all the old jokes just really good and fun
  • a23212015
    Best thing that has came to Blackpool since the tower the comedy carpet, contains al the sayings from local comedians and the big celebs who have came to Blackpool to perform.
  • Blac_Arrow
    Great free attraction, well worth a look next time you are in Blackpool I spent a good hours reading it all
  • AstreRose
    very good brought back fond memories and fun trying to guess who,s catch prase belonged to who free as well
  • HazyDan
    Fun to read all the snippets and. An be seen from the top of the tower, didn't realise what it was until we were walking over it but when we did we had to stop to read and even took a few photos of the ones that really amused us saw some classic lines too immortalised .
  • paulinem336
    Family trip (not young kids or teens) We were very disappointed to find the area was fenced off for some work to be carried out. It was one of the features of the town that we had looked forward to seeing. Seems silly to have work done there while the Illuminations were still on and many, many visitors in town for that, but it was probably for 'Strictly' filming there a couple of weeks later.
  • 79Buttercup
    The comedy carpet is fab. Noticed it while inside the tower and went over the road to have a look. Really nice feature!
  • MarkCheshire
    Very enjoyable way of spending a few minutes, wandering around reading the catch-phrases, jokes and quotes from comedians past and present.
  • GaryE15
    Interesting idea. If you are wanting to pass a bit of time before moving on, then this is something to consider. Pity about the scateboarders!
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