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hannah peschar sculpture garden

hannah peschar sculpture garden

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • suewQ6339GM
    Sadly we didn't get to see the garden at it's finest due to a very heavy downfall. We however persevered and were rewarded with a hidden world of weird and wonderful creations. The garden is well landscaped but accessibility is an issue. If your mobility isn't great you may struggle as some degree of agility is needed to reach certain viewing points. However you can still see pretty much all of the works if you stay on one level. It takes a while to complete and you are given a guide to the works and there location (which also acts as a map) I loved the large mask which languished on a hillside but sadly it was well out of my price range, which was probably a saving grace. I would recommend this and suggest allowing yourself at least two/three hours to see it all.
  • handbagsbrockham
    Very friendly welcome and explanation of the grounds. Wonderful guide book, that if you follow properly leads you into fairy glades, woodland paths and lakes teeming with ducks. ....and of course the sculptures!There was far more than we expected to see, all the sculptures are for sale and well described in the guide.An excellent visit, a great walk , with sculptures in beautiful surroundings.5*****
  • junipeross
    Discovered by chance whilst staying at a nearby hotel. Met Hannah and spent an inspiring morning/afternoon in the garden. Wonderful pieces in magical settings, uncovered as you explore, sometimes take the breath away as you grasp the geometry of their form. A combination of landscape design and sculptural form, colour, texture, light and shade, with the subtle sounds and fragrances of nature.Bear in mind that this is also a commercial venture for the promotion and sale of sculptors works. There is an entry charge but none of this detracts from the value and inspiration of a visit here.
  • brinxliz
    We have visited this beautiful garden a few times. The gardens are amazing and the sculptures are wonderful. Well worth visiting.
  • DaveT521
    Walked through this wonderful garden with some weird and wonderful sculptures in a very creative way. You can cross a small bridge or walk around a pond to see metal fish. Naked torso's in elegant backdrops. My favourite is the large collection of bells on sticks that they ring from a slight breeze. I took my camera with me and enjoyed the photos I took for my album. As the previous advisor mentioned " a really magical place" well worth a visit.
  • SarahL105
    Ms Peschars sculpture garden is not what you would expect at all. I was reminded of tropical holidays in wild places, and Jardin Majorelle in Marrakesh. My sister and I enjoyed a wonderful few hours navigating the mossy steps and glades in this exceptional and delightful place in the depths of Surrey. There was no shop, no cafe, no bored underpaid staff with uniform sweatshirts, no coach trips of senior citizens with no interest other than tea and cake. It was all about the experience, the amazing landscaping, the sharing of artistic vision. We felt rather priveliged to be immersed in the exclusive surrounds, there were glimpses of horses, deer, plenty of international artists work, not a computerised or 3d printed thing in sight, no commerciality, incredible Italian marbles and cloud pruned pines, reflective pools and statuesque plantings in what looks to have been a wild garden for a few hundred years. Not to be missed. It was expensive to go in but it was money well spent.
  • 806stephanieh
    This was our third trip over the last few years and the weather was overcast but not our spirits. The visits never disappoint and always delivers the surprise element. The plants and trees totally work together to provide the sculptures with the perfect setting. I love looking at the sculptures and then seeing them again from a different angle - hidden or half hidden behind foliage.Unlike a previous reviewer I am SO glad that this garden has no cafe. We always bring a picnic and there are plenty of places inside and out to eat it. There is a loo too. Our dog was welcomed on a lead.We were the only visitors this morning and met Hanna Peshar - a nice touch for us. It is like walking in someone's garden - but what a garden.Do go and visit - you will never forget this place. Such a beautiful and peaceful place. Should be prescribed on the NHS!
  • misvet
    Visited the garden at the weekend, a leisurely hour-and-a-half stroll through the grounds and admiring the sculptures. It is even better this year, and a stunning recovery from the dreadful floods over Christmas. Well done all of you.It is impossible to describe the garden in a few sentences. Just visit the website, then visit the garden itself!
  • JMH2203
    I visited this garden in 2009 and aimed to return annually but haven't made it back yet - 2014 is definitely the year! It is a hidden gem in Ockley and a must for both gardeners and art lovers with a particular interest in sculpture but doesn't need to be limited to this. It was a beautiful day when I visited and the artwork is well displayed and some can be seen well in advance of arriing at the actual spot and some are "hidden" until you reach that point on the path. I throroughly recommend this place and can't wait to go back this year and many years to come as the displays change annually. Go to the website for the virtual toour and you won't be disappointed - enjoy! Good going Hannah, the team and mother nature for the great recovery after the winter storms.
  • johnrichardyoung
    The Sculpture Garden is a place of magic and wonder and an ideal place to exhibit and view sculptures. The gardens are so artfully designed and make the perfect backdrop to some interesting works set around the gardens. Lovely meandering paths lead you around the gardens and to discover the works on show - some leap out at you whilst other merge into their settings. A must see for anyone interested in the visual arts and landscaping/garden design.
  • morganm849
    Really enjoyed this visit to the Hannah Peschar garden, never been before but will probably go again in a different season to see the art in a new setting. The only downside? A lack of cake / refreshments!
  • ealingmc
    Great experience - even in October in the pouring rain. Will allow dogs on leads; they have a soft spot for spaniels! Surprisingly long walk in only 10 acres. Very atmospheric, semi-wild feel. Gardens lovely without sculptures, scultptures impressive without garden - together a hit!
  • Golly_Gosh_Slater
    This was my second visit. Each time has been to photograph the gardens and the sculptures they contain. I often find sculptures in museums and galleries cold and sterile but within the environment of this garden they take on a life of their own.Also this is not a typical "English country garden". It feels much more primordial. Much more organic. In a word "better".You'll find Hannah very accomadting to photographers too. Although the garden has set opening times you can arrange visits at other times by being polite and asking in advance. All Hannah asks for is a small contribution towards the upkeep of the gardens. It's a great place for photography. Its a great place period. I can't recommended this garden and it's owner/curator highly enough. Well worth a visit and a pleasing change from the pretentiousness of galleries that these kinds of work are usually seen in.
  • LLouiseAnthony
    As an arts professional, it fills me with joy every time I come here. First time I did get lost, so don't trust your Satnav! Use their directions on the website, you can't go wrong. Gardens are just beautiful - looked after but not "fake". Just one gardener working 4 days a week, he must be superhuman! The range of artwork is stunning - and there are enough to keep you intrigued & surprised without shoehorning too many in (unlike other parks) Staff are delightful - often Hannah herself is in reception and she is just fascinating to talk to. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a lovely walk, an arty adventure or purchasing sculpture.
  • Ruthiekent
    We had a lovely afternoon visiting this sculpture garden. It is a very peaceful place with a wide variety of sculptures all beautifully displayed within the gardens. We were given a guide and followed the suggested route, which took about an hour and a half. We were very impressed and would return for another visit in the future.
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