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the hermitage woodland walk

the hermitage woodland walk

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • GeorgeMuir
    Park your car at the well presented car park and begin your walk into this beautiful wooded area. River running along on your left is shallow at the start of the walk and trees stretching into the sky all around you. You can take a choice of a few paths but they all go basically the same way just a bit higher or lower. Then suddenly you reach the Hermitage. A part of the river that builds and flows over rocks with a view point to shelter from. In high water levels it is a buzz with power and noise and on a cold winters day white with spray and ice formations, just watch your step then.
  • Gorgiegal
    My husband and I stopped here before heading into Dunked. It has a nice gentle short walk as well as longer route for the more able. Beautiful woodland and the falls were spectacular after the heavy rain. Lots of little places to sit and admire the views. £2 to park which seemed reasonable given you could stay for quite a few hours.
  • H5403RCclairem
    Did like the walks around hotel. Good footing, not muddy, beautiful trees. Think during summer months it would lovely to go fishing. Watching salmon.
  • ronniec95
    this is worth the walk just to get to the falls,you can walk much further if you want,but we only went as far as falls,stunning views,the water was really running fast and as you stood by falls you could feel the spray coming of them.
  • Traveller51_11
    The Hermitage's Ossian's Hall is the best place to view the River Braan's Black Linn Falls. It overlooks the Falls and they are always amazing - more so after rain or snow melt - and the latter contributed to what we found there at the end of February.It's a place close to my heart but, sentimentality aside, Ossian's Hall is well worth a visit by anyone. The National Trust own the environs and there is a fee for their car-park. There is wheel-chair access to the Hall and into it.Beyond the Hall is a plethora of walks .... you can walk for as short or as long as you wish. A booklet on these walks can be obtained at local visitor centres. When we visited, the woodland was decorated with carpets of snowdrops ....We'll haste ourselves back as soon as possible.
  • CristianS653
    If I could I would go back every weekends.My little boy loves it, in particular the waterfall.great place. Worse the visit.
  • Fi-W-Scotland
    Beautiful location for a walk in the woodland, and can see the waterfall and Folly in just 10 mins walk from car park. The waterfall is stunning when the river is full (as it was this weekend) and there's always something to see in every season - the snowdrops are just out just now. Always a favourite when in the area.
  • DandJNewcastle
    Walking through the woods to this waterfall is truly magical, you wouldn't be surprised to see a Hobbit appear! The waterfall is spectacular with arching bridge and overlooking turret and balcony. The Hermitage itself is a fascinating little structure. Scottish National Trust car park so free to members.
  • stewartd2014
    I have always been inspired by this beautiful walk. Very cold in December but that just makes it look even better.
  • PaulForbes
    There are miles of really lovely and very quiet (even at busy times of year)trails around the area and they are a great resource for visitors.
  • andrewd618
    Lovely scenic walk along the river and through the woodland. Not overtaxing excellent views of the river and waterfall from the Hermitage. Nice walk for young and old and four legged companions.
  • andybF8788RU
    No need for a map or a compass, clearly marked routes: routes marked according to distance and they are enjoyable and achievable by both young and old. Stunning Waterfall and the Hermits cave is inspiring.
  • Designerman2011
    This is a short walk, ideal for those who like dramatic countryside, waterfalls etc but don't see themselves as 'seasoned' walkers. Basically if you can walk confidently on an uneven surface, climb a few steps etc then you should be comfortable ambling along for less than an hour. The river and waterfall view from the Ossian viewing platform is quite magnificent. It is easy to miss the actual hermitage as it's covered in foliage but children will love this cave like structure. There is a small price to use the car park.
  • gusngazesdad
    What a beautiful place to walk and enjoy the autumn colours. The salmon watching platform is ideal if you are there at the right time of year. Spend a bit of time though and enjoy a long walk up by the river and the falls.
  • LisaBic
    We had been looking forward to going to The Hermitage for a while and it didn't disappoint. The walk is great for all ages and can be limited to a short walk or a longer walk. There had been a lot of rain before our visit so the river was dramatic in front of Ossians Hall. We took our three year old son and he loved running through the paths and particularly the little cave. Would love to go back again and explore more. Highly recommend it as a good place to stop as it is so easy to access and is stunning. Car parking is cheap also.
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