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brechin cathedral

brechin cathedral

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • AnneLivingston
    This is a beautifully maintained, fascinating building, which is freely open to visitors. It has PIR lighting so each area of the interior you visit is illuminated without needing to have the whole church lit all the time. There are laminated pages in several languages explaining the various features and exhibits, but this is not just a historic monument, it is also home to a local congregation, with evidence of it's life and work in the community too.
  • NPuthu
    I have lived in this town for so many years but had never visited the cathedral. .. so when I finally did I was so taken aback by its character and serenity. Considering how old it is, it is remarkable condition. On a full moon night the view of the cathedral with it's Round Tower is spectacular and magical. It is place of worship and I was pleased to see it was still being used as one and not converted to a commercial tourist attraction.
  • BrianP514
    This is an outstanding cathedral with beautiful and interesting stained glass. The attached round tower is one of only two in Scotland. The leaflets available in the cathedral are very informative.
  • Sanny929
    Outstanding Cathedral and tower. Beautiful windows with sun shining through casting the colours throughout. A feeling of peace and serenity through the Gothic architecture. Look out for this must visit location when visiting Brechin.
  • jackiew244
    I was in Brechin Cathedral last Saturday afternoon, and found it to be a lovely spot tucked away in a side street.,Very peaceful, and a great place to sit and think.I have been researching my family history as my Paternal family all came from Brechin town.I found the house my late father was born in up Park Road and lots of places around there.In the grounds of the cathedral I found my grandfather and gt.grandfathers grave and tombstone and several other bits that I didn't know about. Such a lovely little town and I hadn't been there for almost 40 years yet it still keeps its identitiy.The local shop keepers were great and I had many chats to them.The real jewel of Brechin,apart from the Cathedral is the tiny town museum .Facinating place for a wander around,and next door is Rosies Bakehouse where my daughter and I lunched twice, as its food was so good and the staff so friendly and helpful.I hope to return to Brechin again one day, I loved it so much and can't imagine why anyone would want to leave it
  • 98989889
    Very old and interesting. Spent about !hr wandering around the grounds and interior of the Cathedral.
  • Brighton57Belles
    A fascinating cathedral with a wonderful round tower (one of only two in this country) very reminiscent of similar ones in Ireland. Interesting carvings on outside of cathedral and intriguing details and monuments inside.
  • mallow
    Perhaps we were unlucky in visiting the cathedral on an overcast day when there was little light through the stained glass windows, but we found the interior very gloomy. We'd put it on our list of things to see because of our interest in Pictish stones and thought that the two most interesting ones (the Mary Stone and the Brechin hogback tomb) were very poorly displayed - though I appreciate that a cathedral is primarily a house of prayer and not a museum. I am a believer but the inside didn't move me as much as, for example, the cathedrals at Dunblane or Dornoch. Outside the hotch potch of architectural styles resulting from a series of restorations was all too evident. What was really interesting outside was the round tower - a rarity still in excellent condition and with intriguing carvings at th narrow doorway.The cathedral is in an attractive part of Brechin and worth a visit if you happen to be there but not as a specific destination.
  • holidayhat
    Beautiful grounds and very kind Pastor to offer the background of the Cathedral. Informative and knowledgible
  • Sycamore68
    I travelled up from Glasgow especially to visit this cathedral and was so disappointed. It was very dark inside and there was no-one around to answer any questions I wanted to ask.
  • Bruce_Brechin
    Easy to find, reasonable parking nearby and very impressive to see such a historic building tucked away in the middle of town.
  • Jay63
    The cathedral with it's round tower (one of only two in Scotland) dominates Brechin's skyline. The narrow lanes leading there give you the sense of history, no matter how many times I walk along these lanes I feel in the company of people from the past, not in a bad way but a peaceful, warm way. The cathedral can also be reached from Skinner's burn, the steps up are fairly steep though but you enter the grounds of the cathedral fairly quickly. Walk round the outside first, check out the round tower, the high door e.g. ; have a look at the gravestones see how old they are, the names - fascinating stuff. Once inside, the sense of peace and serenity hits you. The stain glass windows are a sight to behold, especially on a sunny day but don't miss out on the other bits, the stones, the little chapel are all worth looking for. As a non-religious person I still like to visit this building in the city I have chosen to live in. And I am grateful some mornings for the chimes telling me the time.
  • ArchieM627
    Now some 800 years old and having gone through many updates and alterations this is one of the finest Cathedrals anywhere. It is also one of the few churches to have all its windows in stained glass and these mainly are done by Scottish artists with the exception of the Chancel. To find out more then a visit is essential or have a look on the website www.brechincathedral.org
  • 370laurac
    Here is Brechin we are very lucky to have such an idyllic cathedral! I was lucky enough to be christened in the cathedral. Would advise tourists to visit it and the round tower.
  • Gotham68
    This small cathedral is well worth a visit, once you find it, tucked away in the back streets of Brechin. It is steeped in history and very peaceful there.
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