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kierikki stone age centre

kierikki stone age centre

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • 305jaril
    Everything is really good. The outside exhibition is really worth seeing. Take esppecially a guided tour.
  • JaniKomu
    The exhibition was brilliant. I learned what they were doing up north while the egyptians were building their pyramids. Also the row house of ancient times was pretty good. You could also shoot with a bow and arrow, and I made a necklace of stone, with a harder stone. I was there with German people and I got to show the how you differentiate Blueberry and the berry that is called Juolukka in Finnish.
  • PerttiS
    interesting and well-kept area where you can get to know how our early forefathers are lived.it has been costal about 70 – 50 century ago and now about 30km inland
  • Elkeliini
    When my father and his friend visited, we looked for something to do. this was a perfect outing. informative, nice walk, something to see. bet it is much better in the summer. not sure if it is worth a repeat visit in the near future, but maybe once every 5 years or so?
  • JariJK
    Kierikki Stone Age Village is situated on the beautiful banks of the river Iijoki, next to Kierikki Naturehotel, Yli-Ii. This has been a real prehistoric settlement (5,000 BC). Nowadays there are ruins of this 5,000 - 7,000 years old dwelling and a very nice reconstructed Stone Age Village.There is also an archaeological museum in a modern log house which is the largest log building in Scandinavia. The building has got many architectural prizes. There is also a restaurant in the log building. There is a pathway (half kilometers) from this main building to the reconstructed Stone Age Village. There are reconstructed hunting traps near the path. Our family loved this sight very much!
  • neokizer
    это интересная воссозданая стоянка первобытного человека -- на месте реальной стоянки. сперва можно посмотреть музей, посмотреть в нем кино на 15 минут, а потом посмотреть и на реальные раскопки, поговорить с археологами, и увидеть очень интересные строения. и приятным бонусом идет невероятное количество морошки, растущей в этом месте)
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