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bucharest national opera house

bucharest national opera house

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • rodicaf163
    If it were not for my Phoenix/AZ-based friend who came to Bucharest for X-mas and was keen on how Romanian cultural life is going on, most probably I would have not go to see any Opera Nationala Bucuresti presentation over the winter. But what a pleasant surprise! A renovated/rehabilitated Opera House, some modern mise-en-scenes, beautiful voices. Actually we have seen several shows: La traviata, Falstaff, Evghenii Oneghin and the ballet Swan Lake. The ballet was a dream, it was a celebration, I highly recommend it. It's the classical version with Verdi music and a very talented Japanese prima ballerina and corps de ballet. And again the classical opera Evghenii Oneghin is a real treat. It's director is Ion Caramitru, a well-known actor, head of the National Theater Bucharest, and head of the Romanian Theaters Association (UNITER). Tickets are usually sold-out, but DO make an effort.
  • RBlack2013
    We saw that the Bucharest Opera House were doing Eugene Onegin on the Saturday night of our weekend stay (we always check out what local productions of any stripe are on in a city we are visiting). The website is really really difficult to navigate and it took several attempts to make a booking which is a bit pants, but my husband persevered and eventually managed to get us two tickets for the front of the stalls for an amazing £10 per ticket . Hurray! we agreed that even if the production wasn't very good we would be happy.On the night, after a long walk from the old town area of Bucharest (we didn't want to chance a taxi) through some frankly very unpromising areas we found the enormous Opera House, ablaze with light and awesome grandeur. I was so relieved to see that it was beautiful and really well kept, luxurious and spectacular. The other audience members had all made an effort to dress up and the whole effect was wonderful. The production itself was excellent, the chorus of over 100 singers were particularly good, and the stage was huge. No expense had been spared with the set and costumes. The orchestra and all the principal singers were of a very high standard. We loved it and for the money it was the most incredible value, when you think our heavily subsidised opera is still phenomenally expensive. It was great to see such a lovely opera in a world class opera house with a well dressed but perfectly ordinary audience. I wish opera was similarly accessible in the UK. The opera house has lots of different productions so even if opera itself is not your thing, I would really recommend making the effort to go to the Bucharest National Opera House.
  • Michal539
    Every visit in Bucharest includes an evening at the Opeta House - where I had the occasion to attend beautiful shows : opera, ballet, concert for a very good price and excellent seats. Nice experience even if you don't understand the language (opera). Also very nice interior.
  • philipmartyn
    The best seat for £10 and the opportunity to mingle with the Bucharest opera lovers is frankly not to be missed if you are that way inclined. And the opera was very good too. You can book on line using the website, You have to use the common sense to open the account. - since you are abroad,you can get by without the requirement to give a Romanian address and the system will let you do that. You have to book on line or in person,you cannot book by phone. If you like opera, go!
  • margaretam2015
    “La fille mal gardée” („Useless Precautions”) is the best ballet we had in years at Bucharest National Opera, nothings less than dance performances I have seen in Paris. I have missed the opening night with great Romanian dancer Alina Cojocaru, Leading Principal Dancer at English National Ballet, but I had the privilege to admire Johan Kobborg, now Artistic Director of Romanian National Opera House, the guest dancer Liam Morris and the Romanian Opera's Principal Dancer Robert Enache. It was amazing, a charming and full of humour ballet for all ages. The recent restoration of the Opera is very good and creates a great atmosphere. The programme is a full-color booklet on excellent quality paper and bilingual (Romanian and English). My only critique is that there are no clear directions to find your seat. Take a first row place in central boxes, it is a fabulous experience. The second rows of the boxes are pricey and, although comfortable, the visibility is not the best for a ballet. If you like opera and ballet this is definitely a great place to go.
  • OanaM443
    beautifull, fully restored building. Great spectacles and very good artists. It s a must see if yu re in Bucharest.
  • adelam689
    this amazing building has been completely restored . the acoustic is amazing and the artist are incredible , professionals in every way
  • David_Cr403
    There is no description capable to describe the feelings one can experiment during an opera in this place, here both the sound and architecture combine, the view and the hearing work together, thus, little bit issue with Parking in the area.
  • ChandraniMisra
    It was such an wonderful experience to watch Othello. I don't understand the language - however the way it was portrayed was great. Inside the building is just wonderful. A great experience - everyone should visit at least once.
  • foooooooooood
    We were unable to get inside as they were preparing for a perfomance that night but we were allowed to wander around the entrance. The security guard was extremely friendly and even though we were not akllowed to take photos he did give us a programme of events for free.
  • Deea82
    beautiful building, excellent acoustic, excellent spectacles! The building is nice from outside and from inside also and the artists are the best
  • SylvieAscot
    Perfect for a weekend chill out with friends to watch and hear a story. The building of the opera isn't that impressive from outside but inside it has beautiful stairs and the ceiling has a hundred goldened crystal arms chandelier . plus there's an interesting small museum with costumes from classic operas.
  • aidacc2014
    Romania made a lot of progress in many areas and culturally went from very good to extremely good. I was impressed by the artists and their work, especially given the lack of resources. Well done!
  • MagS222
    Beautiful building, half a century old, completely renewed. Good shows, opera and ballet. Unfortunately, children can assist only if they are 6 or older.
  • RoMiDra
    I like this old building, that gives me a feeling of warmth and coziness. It is the only one left in Bucharest with this inside look, because the 'Opereta' was destroyed at Ceausescu's order to build instead a street. If you can find tickets ask for an opera show and certainly not for a ballet. If you can find only tickets at a ballet, sit farther from the stage, because there might be dust flowing around or loud noises from the jumping on it.
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