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the national museum of art of romania

the national museum of art of romania

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • dianacP1029BI
    Take at least 3-4 hours to visit the museum. It's very big and there's a chance of getting really frustrated if you do not have the time to enjoy it. You can buy joint tickets for this museum and the Museum of Art Collections which is amazing and make a day out of it. Just be sure to start early so you have enough time to visit both.
  • Maxim_United
    Photos w/ extra fee. Art was okay. Nothing too spectacular. The museum is quite large, so one may still find something interesting.
  • Nevrie
    a beautiful museum, it used to be the Royal residence,with wide collections of European and Romanian works of art,mainly paintings.
  • LauraO9
    The National Museum of Art is the main museum of art, where you can have a retrospective of Romanian art, from the religious to the modern art, from Curtea dead Arges church painting to Constantin Brancusi. Also, there is a gallery of oriental art that worth visited and an European art gallery. I believe it's a good museum, but it can become better, if the staff will become more interested in revealing to the public the huge collection from their deposits, if they will create a more interactive program and update their view on the art museum.Anyway, it's a must see if you come to Bucharest.
  • 727seanc
    The excellent grade is earned by the display and descriptions of icons and other church art from the 15th century onwards. As you move up the floors, the art dwindles to sub fusc French impressionism etc which has little aesthetic merit to my untutored eyes. But do not miss the Church art - truly splendid!!
  • Z8219BQhelenm
    lot's of things to see if u are an art lover. beautiful paintings and building. Close to the Athene-um
  • 902dorag
    Beautiful building with a yard with statues. We visit only the European exhibition wich was stunning if you are fond of paintings of the previous centuries. Collections from almost all Europe and El Greco!!!!I regret not visiting Romanian exhibition. Not all the stuff was polite and helpful and their english was poor.
  • boekenwurm88
    Very nice to see such a beautifl and comprehensive art collection in one place. The fee is very low and you get to see probably all major Roamnian art styles and artists. Very impressed with this museum. Easily spend a few hours exploring the place. Beautiful building too.
  • vladtudori
    Maybe it is not the Louvre but it sure has a lot of interesting art, well worth to visit and enjoy for a few hours.
  • TraipsingAbout
    The Romanian collection is fascinating for a first-time visitor to the country: the collection begins in the Byzantine era and works all the way to contemporary art as you go up the stairs. If you watch the dates carefully, you'll get an appreciation for how different the evolution of Eastern art was from the West - and see how it all explodes in different directions, not with the Renaissance but in the 19th century. It is interesting to see the artists appropriate and experiment with both Western and vernacular forms, and the environment is perfect, since you see close to a millennium of Romanian art at once.The Western European collection in the other wing of the museum (separate entrance fees, but it's just 15 RON for both) is solid, with a fairly nice core of late Renaissance works from the old Royal collection, if I recall correctly. It's good to juxtapose the two wings.
    My girlfriend and I visited the museum and whilst the art is interesting in places, the staff left a bad taste in our mouth.The maxim "Innocent until proven guilty" clearly does not hold true in this building. The staff would follow us around sneakily, peering at us around corners which I found to be highly annoying and rude. The staff, with exception of the receptionist, did not speak a word of English, so there was no chance to ask questions about the art they thought we wanted to steal or tamper with.I would not recommend this to anyone, unless they wanted to get a taste of what it is like to live under a dictatorship.
  • Michelle364
    The National Art Museum is housed In an elegant Palace built for and occupied by the Romanian Royal family, before the communists forced them to abdicate and leave the country. If you have seen the major world museums and keep thinking of those and making comparisons, this one will not impress you much. Yet, I found the building itself very interesting, the many elegant marble stairs and the tall arched windows truly palatial. The European collection has a few masters, but not enough pieces for any of them to make for a true experience in what makes an artist uniquely exceptional. So, you'll see a few El Greco, Pieter Breughel the Elder, Lucas Cranach, but no more than two to three-four of each. The Romanian art is in a separate wing and is superb. Paintings by their greatest artists, with portraits, scenes of historical moments, traditional customs, landscapes, still nature, in brilliant compositions, all are works of exceptional talents, though so much less known in the world art. Pay attention to names like Grigorescu, Pallady, Petrascu. Do not miss a few works by the very famous Brancusi, whose sculptures are displayed by the most famous world museums. If you have the time and passion for art, it's well worth looking up this museum, for there is enough beauty waiting to be discovered.
  • 132emanuele
    The former Royal Palace of Romania is today the home of the greatest art collection in this country.
  • adelam689
    it is one of the most beautiful buildings in town . the visit was very pleasant, i have seen a beautiful exposition of art , and the price was not hi at all .
  • WorldOneNY
    I would rate this museum as one of the finest in Europe and in the world. If you are a connoisseur of talent and beautiful art, this is a great experience. The only criticism I have is the museum (government?) charges you a FEE if you wish to take photos while viewing the collections which is tacky and should be incorporated into the admission fee. The museum I believe is in the former royal palace. Sadly I believe much of the notable and great art was confiscated by the Nazis and Russians (I could be wrong) but there are very few NOTABLE works (i.e. Monet, Van Gogh, etc.). However what makes this museum shines is the care and collection the curator and country have collected to show. The art is top rate even though you see few status icons like Monet. However the collection is huge and covers a range of art styles. The most notable are collections by Romanian artists which are mostly from the 19th to 20th century. The Belle Epoque period shown is most notable into the period before World War 2 when Bucharest was the Paris of the East. The paintings reflect a period that is almost faded in current day Bucharest - showing luxury and grandeur, serenity and elegance and an overall expression of beauty - showcasing a mass of florals and landscapes that are truly breathtaking and rival the art of great museums like the Lourve, Prado, National Gallery UK, and Metroplitan NYC. It is worth the trip to visit Bucharest just to view this fantastic time capsule of gorgeous paintings. Some weird art critics may call this art sugar coated, pretty and cliche but the collection showcases a style of art that portrayed beautiful art at its zenith in the late 19th and early 20th century. The talent is amazing and even though 95% of the artists portrayed in this huge art collection may not be easily known to most art collectors in the world, the art works are beautifully done and show how great the Romanian art world was. My overview has nothing to do with status or appreciation of artists who did "something new" like Picasso or Michangelo - this is a collection of beautiful paintings, sculpture. Other notable galleries are the Orthodox religion gallery because the icons and textiles are wonderful even if you are not Christian or Orthodox per se. The flow of the museum, the presentation and the way the art is juxtaposed with other art works, makes the experience wonderful. I absolutely loved this museum. Compared to other museums like the Art Museum in Budapest, Hungary, this is truly better - Romania shows elegance and talent and expresses an overall vision of serene beauty that gives this collection overall an A+ grade. Sadly I believe I was one of the only persons walking through this mammoth museum the day I visited in November. I would like to hope that more Americans and Europeans and Chinese/Japanese and other tourists from across the world visit this museum. The building itself is notable for its beautiful revival architecture that reflects the grand style of western Europe. I hope to visit again.
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