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abergs museum

abergs museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • lindsayofsheaves
    My husband & I went here for our birthdays because we are huge Disney fans and we were pleasantly surprised at the amazing collection of vintage Disney items as well as original artworks, sketches from the likes of Walt Disney, Don Rosa, Carl Barks, and more! It was nice how Åbergs art was mixed among the displays and you can tell he really loves Disney, comics, and animation! The cafe was really cute and the food was great! A real hidden gem in Sweden for Disney lovers, and I grew up near Disneyland and this was my first time seeing Walt Disney's real signature!
  • Rodrigo00300
    I had a great time when I finally could go to the museum I have heard about a few times in this area. The museum is rather small but it contains a great amount of disney and other cartoon collectors toys, paintings, old magazines and art. It can be a great experience for those who appreciate the classic characters. i had an amazing time, and the price is really cheap. Go there and enjoy it, it doesn´t take more than 40 mins to an hour, even looking things with the needed detail.
  • AnastasiaK956
    Åbergs museum is a lovely little museum which holds a surprisingly nice collection of old Disney toys and other wonderful items. Come and look into the solid black eyes of Mickey Mouse who is probably older than your grandfather... I'm not really interested in Disney characters, bande dessinée and modern art, but this museum I've enjoyed. Thanks to the excellent guide I've got to know who is The Yellow Kid and many other weird creatures. Guided tours do not require any additional charge and happen quite often, even when there are only 4-5 visitors in the museum. We had it in Swedish, but English doesn't seem to be a problem at all there. I think that people who work in Åbergs museum really love what they do and know a lot. Don't forget to have a look into Tarzan's jungle hut even you aren't accompanied by any children. Be prepared to climb on the second floor to enjoy a banana slide and a kick-machine. Other great place is an unusual playground nearby, where children can play with water and sand (just be sure that your kid has some extra clothes... And may be find some water to wash him afterwards). Museum also has a nice souvenir shop and a cafe with typical Swedish cakes, salads and sandwiches. Food was fresh and tasty. I'd say that Åbergs museum is a great place to save your day when you happen to be in Stockholm region and wake up too late and/or too lazy for anything big and serious. It is very close to Skokloster, not far from Sigtuna and Arlanda, especially by car. Relax and enjoy!
  • Johan70
    Vi var på Åbergs museum nästan en hel dag, det var mycket roligt att se det. En fantastisk samling de har. Ett stort plus på hela vistelsen var att Lasse var där själv och det hela blev dokumenterat. Mycket god mat.
  • RobinA253
    Jag tog med mig min treåriga dotter till Kojan inne på museet. Det kostar 50 kr. Hon tyckte att det var väldigt kul och ville aldrig gå därifrån. Inte för än museet stängde och personalen bad oss vänligt att gå därifrån och komma tillbaka en annan dag kunde vi åka hem. Det finns en "vanlig gratis" lekpark utanför museet också och den tyckte min dotter också om.
  • 830ulfe
    Mycket intressant med Lasse Åbergs hela samling av prylar från filmerna med Sig Helmer Oloson samt hans Disny samling som är imponerande. Man får inte glömma Inger Åbergs textila konst som också är representerad.Jag och hustrun kommer deftenetivt att komma igen.
  • marjag2013
    Mycket kul att se för alla åldrar. Restaurangen har alltid något gott att äta eller bara ta en smarrig fika i samband med besöket. Dessutom finns under sommaren 2014 där en kul utställning om Lasse Åbergs filmer. Riktig nostalgi-tripp att besöka!
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