An amazing church, with artworks throughout the chapel. It is a working church, so you need to be respectful, we came back after a service to wonder around, you will be rewarded visiting here.
I was quite disappointed having to pay to visit a church! Not to mention additional fees for going to the tower! Be aware when you get the change for paying as the lady that charges for the entrance does not give the correct change.On the positive side - church was nice and worth visiting.
Can't miss this church because it is huge and located right in old town. It is very well worth the visit but have seen much greater in Europe.
This church is much loved and offers an amazing religious as well as aesthetic experience. Don't miss it.
St Nicholas Church is located near to the covered market, and although it's a big building, it can easily be overlooked due to it's dour exterior. Don't be fooled. Step inside and be amazed at it's interior.
This is a beautiful and quaint old church well worth a visit. Its not only beautiful but has sculptures, artifax and paintings that you would be lucky to find in any other church in the country.Although there are many old churches in Gdansk this one has something of an aura about it.
As many other churches in Gdanks again you will find beautiful architecture here, paintings, sculptures..and yet its Always different. Its an escape of the busy Streets, nice to relax and enjoy the history and beauty.
well, this place is not only beautiful when it comes to the interior, but it is a perfect escape from the city noise when you want to talk to God or at least give your life a thought for a second! :D
This church looked so beautiful in the pictures I wanted to visit and it was worth it. So many churches in Gdansk, this was one of the most beautiful ones I think.
One of the best preserved churches in Gdansk - the only one that survived WW2 without a scratch. Gothic outside; Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque inside. You can sense there an atmosphere of 'an old church'. sometimes in the summer there's a chance to attend a guided tour from attic to cellar.please note that there's a mass scheduled 4-5 times/day so it would be good to check their site/call them to know what time would be the best for a visit
Kościół ten jako jedyny nie uległa zniszczeniu w trakcie działań II wojny światowej. We wnętrzu zachowane jest bogate wyposażenie gotyckie, renesansowe, barokowe i rokokowe
Собор находится в центре старого города. Стены белого цвета, а все предметы интерьера черного цвета, также как и фон икон и картин. Во всех путеводителях ее рекомендуют посетить, чтобы посмотреть интерьер. Мы случайным образом зашли туда, когда шла месса во время праздника 3 короля.
Bazylika św. Mikołaja w Gdańsku to kolejny gotycki kościół w Gdańsku. Warto dodać, że jako jedyna nie uległa zniszczeniu w trakcie działań II wojny światowej. W kościele do obejrzenia m.in. piękny renesansowy ołtarz.
piękny kościół z dobrą atmosferą. W Gdańsku generalnie nie da się dobrze myśleć o kościołach. Chociażby dlatego, że w tych ważniejszych stoją cenniki za wejście (jak do jakiejś knajpy...). Tak jest np. w Mariackim czy św. Brygidy. A w Mikołaju jest inaczej. I może dlatego zawsze można tam spotkać ludzi zarówno modlących się jak i takich którzy przychodzą tam po prostu posiedzieć i pomyśleć...
стоит зайти, даже если религиозные памятники не представляют для вас интереса. Очень масштабно! располагается в старом городе.