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abbaye de nieul-sur-l'autise

abbaye de nieul-sur-l'autise

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    An architectural jewel of exceptional quality, highlighted by a single...


  • 833grantd
    We loved the interactive tour, to be honest we didn't expect much but how wrong we were. Excellent part of the history of the Marais. Well worth a 5 euros visit.
  • OccidentalTourist46
    This is history at its best. The displays are innovative and engaging. The medieval instruments were the highlight. Many of the displays are in English. The curators have worked hard to bring to life a site that could so easily be very very dull.Wheel chair access in nearly 100%
  • fredericl567
    Anyone in the are should stop at the Abbey,They Abbey itself is lovely and really interesting visit for children as well.It's worth mentioning that the village is also really nice particularly during the summer.Great half day out.
  • 匿名
    Visited the abbey with relatives and our two children 11 and 6. The Abbey church itself is free to visit but to see the wonderful Romanesque cloister and the exhibitions and excellent interactive exhibits you need to pay a modest sum. The best interactive bits are in a 19th Century building and the kids loved it. A good half day out in a lovely village which is highly recommended.
  • AnnyDirk
    The monastery-building itself is certainly worth the 5€ entrance fee. On the first floor there is an interactive display about medieval musical instruments. Don not forget the visit the Romanesque abbey church.
  • LindaS562
    Excellent value for 5E. Lots of audio visual displays, some interactive (musical instruments & virtual abbey tour). Make sure to go into the Eleanor d'Aquaitane building.
  • Brian-Angela
    This is one of those places, way off the regular scene, that is so easily missed. And that is a huge pity because, without doubt, this has to be a star attraction of the south Vendee area. It is an ancient abbey but has been so carefully restored and renovated that it seems to glow and spring to life as it tells the story of this huge geographical area. The restoration must have created many happy ghosts! Don't be misled into thinking that it just another boring old building to drag yourself (and the kids!) around. Far, far from it! It is full of modern, computerised interpretation which effortlessly blends and merges into the old stones. Touch screens in several languages; medieval instruments which spring to life as you approach; lit-up artefacts telling the architecural story; medieval choir stalls which act as individual booths for interactive Apple display systems; a book case which houses mini-figures like the "Borrowers" who explain the rescue of the ancient crumbling abbey. Okay, some is in French (er, which country are we in?) but the over-all effect is stunning. And my rambling review doesn't even mention the monastic herb garden or the abbey church, or the serene cloisters, etc., etc.Small admission charge. Wonderfully friendly staff who offer guide booklets in English and other languages. Special children's sessions where the kids can dress up in period costume (enquire for details). Toddlers won't get much from it but alert primary children and above should find plenty to interest them. The abbey is not a theme park with all the crass entertainment so implied but it is an intelligent and entertaining visit which will keep most visitors enthralled.Remarkaby easy parking in the village. An excellent good value bar/restaurant/hotel in the main street just round the corner from the abbey.This really is a little gem. We have taken many visitors and every one has come away with fond memories of a delightful half day visit. Not to be missed!
  • carolbio
    I hardly recommend to visit this place although I would like to recommend the managers of this place to include more English information, specially in the virtual guide.
  • RichardP651
    We had the pleasure of visiting this Abbey probably three years ago, (altho Trip advisor dates don't let me go back to 2010) and rather foolishly and forgetfully, neglected to make a note of the property details. Hence when the visit came up in conversation recently, it was necessary to do a bit of digging to find it again. Having done so I urge any Brit family with or without kids, visiting Vendee / Green Venice to seek this one out and spend some time here. You will NOT be disappointed.The visit is a delight, and full of the unexpected. To say that the owners have fully embraced modern technology would be to understate the matter. But what they have done will surprise and excite. And NO - I am not going into detail as that would spoil it !! Suffice it to say that you will not find this technology in any English Heritage/National Trust property.
  • 56victorb
    Une petite abbaye parfaitement entretenue et ou la visite nous pousse à une certaine sérénité. Cela vaut vraiment le détour.
  • Zabeilles
    Circuit de visite fort bien réalisé ; peut contenter tous les âges ...L'architecture des bâtiments a bien été mise en valeur ; la scénographie en fin de visite est très didactique, tant sur l'histoire de l'abbaye que sur son "sauvetage"
  • Salem51
    Visite de l'abbaye avec une muséographie très moderne, écrans, visites virtuelles, mais un peu trop justement... rien ne remplace les échanges avec un "vrai" guide.
  • hervetrip
    Enfin un musée digne de ce nom, effets de lumière, musiques, interactivité optimale.La bibliothèque à hologramme est un vrai plaisir!Un accueil sympathique, superbe cloitre et petit jardin
  • 匿名
    Jolie abbaye avec reconstitution historique, le mercredi soir, pendant l'été, sur la visite de Prosper Mérimée a Nieul, rendant la visite très enrichissante et très originale. Possibilité de concert de musique classique dans l'église ou à l'extérieur.
  • EddyN502
    Quelle belle surprise ! Hésitant à entrer dans l'abbaye pour en faire la visite, nous avons été bluffés par la qualité des supports pédagogiques en particulier dans la maison d'Aliénor d'Aquitaine ainsi que par la présentation théatrale mettant en scène la visite de Prosper Mérimé autour du cloître. Très pédagogique et pour un prix démocratique (5 euros par pers.).
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