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eglise saint eloi

eglise saint eloi

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • HalfpintJilly
    What a treat this was. Lovely old 1600AD church full of character and charm.The interior is very rustic but is very simple , Peacefull ,calming and full of raw history.
  • fabioinmontreal
    If your day brings you for any reason to small romantic place- village Roisy , close to CDG airport, do not miss opportunity to see this beautiful jewel –like church. It was built close to 1650 ish… on the remains of another 12th century church which itself was built atop the remains of an ancient shrine (7th – 10th century).It was Saturday afternoon last week, and I was passing by on my way to hotel, after grocery shopping, when I saw it. Lusk was on my side, it was open, with absolutely no one inside, so I entered, and spent some quality time inside. Walls are old; you can feel the energy inside. Amazing vitrage, painted glass windows are all around and you cannot stop enjoying their colors and shades.I wanted to lit candle and I found one, but there weren’t place to put money, so I just placed several Euros on the main table.Church is really beautiful, peaceful, real jewel. Since runway CDG airport is literarily several miles away, the engine sound from numerous planes also enters inside, but only as a little far-away rumble.Must see
  • nukefixer
    As with a few other reviews already posted regarding this church, I also could not gain access, but even the outside acute true is quite impressive and rather then camp out in one of the many local hotels, a walk around the village of roissy
  • FernDriscoll
    We couldn't go in because it was dark, but even just the outside of this small gem of a 16th century church is fantastic - gargoyles all over the place and beautiful stained glass windows illuminated from within.
  • Barbara_Antle
    There is a placard with an old photo and history of the church on the grounds. A nice interlude and an interesting adjacent property.
  • 6nhuyen
    Ancienne église rénovée pas si longtemps, classique, simple. Une visite s'impose pour un souvenir,une photo, une prière. Messe les samedis normalement.
  • Gabi708
    É um lugar muito pequeno e não vale gastar tempo para conhecer.É uma especie de uma igreja que fora construida há muito tempo atras.Os serviçais não oferecem menor hodpitalidade!
  • JoergR365
    Roissy ist ein sehr netter kleiner historisch gewachsener Ort und läd am Abend zu einem Spaziergang ein. Die kleine Kirche ist ein Juwel und man findet einige kleine gute Restaurants an der Hauptstrasse.
  • 80antoniop
    Um local interessante para um passeio rapido e cultural. Tendo um tempo sobrando na regiao vale a visita.
  • chailan
    Groupement Paroissial de Louvres ,très belle église rénovée dans les règles de l art . Si vous avez du temps visiter les autres Eglises du groupement Paroissial.
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