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gorges d'heric

gorges d'heric

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • bergenfamily2013
    I'm so glad that we got the opportunity to visit Gorges d'heric. We are a family of 4 (daughters were 6 and 8 at the time of visit) and we all had a wonderful time. We got there early in the morning (in July) and didn't find it to be too crowded. We stopped several times to swim and of course take pictures. The road is paved so it is stroller-friendly. But there are no railings which made my husband nervous as we got closer to the end. So we didn't make it all the way to the end but hope to return when the girls are older to make it all the way next time. This area of France is just so beautiful!
  • MunroBasher
    We had heard of the gorge and planned a walk up it and onto the hill tops above it. We didn't realise the gorge is a madly popular set of swimming pools in the river. The place got crazy busy in the afternoon. So if you plan to go try to get there early so that you get a parking place. The fee for parking is very modest.The walk up the gorge to Douch then onto the summit of Mont Caroux, and then down from Refuge de Font Salesse back to the bottom of the gorge is a very fine excursion. The views south from Roc du Caroux are magnificent. The path above the 'refuge' at Heric in the gorge, up to Douch, can be a bit rough. Up as far as the café and 'bunk house' ay Heric it is tarmac and concrete all the way, and so very accessible.We had hoped for a café or something in Douch, but alas no, just a small farming hamlet. Refuge de Font Salesse is also just a shed to get out of the rain. Nothing more. So take a packed lunch. There is however a good snack bar at the car park at the bottom of the gorge for a reward after a lovely walk.
  • mrrjg
    We read the reviews here and decided to visit, it's just as people describe it - you must visit! 3 euros for the car park. Take a picnic. Walk through the gorge. Swim, jump in the deep pools, and enjoy. We walked all the up the path to the top of the gorge - quite a walk so be prepared, but great exercise, lovely views, and at the top there's a small house where an old lady serves serves drinks (coffee, wine, muscat, beer, water, soft drinks, ice creams etc.) and very cheap. We sat in her terraced garden at small tables in the shade, drank wine, and ate our picnic lunch. Beautiful and most enjoyable. Then we walked down halfway, found some pools, swam, jumped in the deep,pools, sunbathed and relaxed. Spent the whole day here - lovely!
  • leapyear60
    Most of the other reviewers have said it all really. I'm writing the review because it's one of the best places I have been to in a while for a great day out. It is fun for all the family, the combination of the outdoors , the fresh water pools and waterfalls almost as soon as you enter the gorge are a wonderful sight. The best part is you can enjoy it anyway you want to...get involved by climbing the rocks, paddling or swimming in the pools or just walking through the gorge on the pathway. I haven't enjoyed 'nature' this much in years.
  • traceywrigs
    Take your car, pay 3 euros to park,take a stroll up the hill and find yourself a spot,settle down with a picnic,go for a swim,sit in the sun and read your book or in the shade of a tree if you prefer,all in the most amazing surroundings with fantastic views of the mountains.
  • blueduck49
    This is s truly wild boulder-choked gorge in a stunning landscape which has a wide paved pathway of moderate gradient. The river flows over small waterfalls into clear pools and must be spectacular in flood. It can be cycled - MTBs (VTT en Francais) and it's not beyond the less fit. The area is well-maintained and the path keeps you wanting to see around the next bend. Those who go the distance will arrive at the hamlet of Heric. In summer the gorge is pretty busy but it copes and every pool is occupied by swimming and sunbathing visitors. There are caves and rock climbing to distract you and make this a whole day in a wilder part of France. Good parking and snacks and toilets.
  • mahargeverton
    This is well worth the journey and the €3 parking charge.If Disney could build something like this in Orlando they would and make a fortune out of it as a water park.The path is well maintained and the place is immaculate.Just wanted to get my sandals off and have a paddle.Great spot
  • JeffreyD_12
    A marvellous walk made easily accessible because of the paved track leading all the way to the top. The scenery is stunning and the gorge makes one feel the power of nature. The towering rocks above and the river burbling away below. The gradient is not excessive so it is not too tiring for those not so young. At the right time of year the range of wild flowers is amazing and there is something new to see around each corner. An added bonus is a nice little cafe adjacent to the Car Park which serves good meals at a reasonable price. What could be better than working up an appetite and then sitting in this beautiful spot tucking into steak hache, frites and a nice cold beer.
  • Kimbo072
    This is an absolutely beautiful place with an easy walk as long as you are relatively fit, a concrete path all the way. The best bit of this place is popping into one of the refreshing pools for a swim and some sunbathing on the rocks. One of the highlights of my trip.
  • ChunkyCoxy
    After arriving you pay 3€ to park your car then the rest is free to explore. A smooth uphill path leads you up through the gorge, though nothing stops you climbing down into the river. There are lots of rock pools which looked too good not to enjoy. We - like the locals - climbed down and enjoyed swimming in clear fresh water in our own private little bay. It's a really lovely place to explore with stunning views - easily spend a day here climbing over the rocks and exploring the course of the river.
  • pcdewolff
    The locals goes here for swimming and sunning, tourist come for see seeing the large gorges. You only pay parking (3 euro) and the rest is free.We did not do the long walk but just chose a rock to sit on and did some swimming and relaxing with the kids.
  • 184MarkB184
    Set in spectacular scenery with rock pools to swim in. It gets very crowded in August so make sure you arrive in good time to grab a pool. There are many more than first appear but it involves a little walking. Take a picnic and chill for the day.Would recommend.
  • CycleVon
    The gorges d'Heric is well worth a visit if you are in the area. On a hot summer's day, be prepared with a hat, plenty of water and suncream. Better still, set off early! The climb to the top is steep in places, but the whole route is made-up, so very navigable. Be prepared for beautiful scenery. In the summer there are refreshments at the bottom, but not over commercialised. In winter it has a different feel, far fewer people but just as lovely.
  • DandC02482
    This is a paved sidewalk that follows alongside a dramatic gorge for several kilometers. You don't need any special footwear; you can stop anywhere and turn around to go back. The views down into the gorge are beautiful; the views up to the mountain peaks are magnificent. It was fun to see the families who had clambered down the rocks, to the base of the gorge, to lay out blankets and lunches, to sun themselves on the rocks or sand, and to play in the water.
  • dazzer2001
    Lovely views all the way and really great to take a picnic and stop off by a small rock pool and have a small swim before lunch.Paved all the way and easy to walk and just hearing the water was a true gem. Not really that busy as high summer and nice clean area with nil rubbish around the place.Stunning views of the mountains.Took approx one and half hours to climb to the end and nice stroll back all down the slope.The reason why I only gave a four was at the end of the trail was a small cafe selling nice sandwiches and cool drinks but if you like you can walk another two hours to the top of the mountain, which is a shame as you think a spectacular view at this stage.Overall great to stop half way find a private spot and relax and swim.
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