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cote de granit rose

cote de granit rose

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • EJChina
    The weather had been cloudy and rainy during our stay in Rennes. Coming back from dinner one night, the proprietor of Symphonie Des Sens met as at the doorway with good news: tomorrow would be sunny. We absolutely must go, he said, to Cote de Granit Rose, the Pink Granite Coast. I was intrigued but the rest of our party less so--we had come to see quaint villages and historical sites, no one wanted to roadtrip and go see the beach...except me. So we politely said we would consider and went to our rooms. The next morning was blue sky. But my party decided to go to make other plans. When I told the proprietor we would not go, he was aghast and exhorted us: "You absolutely must go! A day like this in Brittany is a dream. The place will be heaven. Don't make this a mistake!" So we went--and were so thankful we did. Set between Perros-Gueric and Trebeurden the best place to go is Ploumanac'h . On a bright day, the sandy beaches and unusual rock formations display rosy coruscations. Walk the pine and wild-flower scented paths along the coast with wind whipping your hair and dotting your forehead with the ocean spray sent up from the waves crashing against the pink boulders topped with lighthouses and other structures. It is a beautiful and wonderful diversion from spending days strolling the towns and cities, and is a landscape only otherwise found in Corsica and China. Stay for the golden hours before sunset when the sun smacks the sides of the rocks and ignites intensely vibrant hues that bathe the environment in a warm cherubic glow.
  • JP2010040
    Really beautiful coastline. There are lovely beaches, stunning big boulders and rocks, the views are lovely and there are little rocky islands with houses/castles on. Don't miss Ploumanac'h, it's got a really pretty smallish beach/bay but with stunning rocks around with walks up high for great views. Really really nice.
  • CoupleOfHoliday
    This area of France astonished me. The whole area is gorgeous: the rocks, the views, the houses (well maintained). We stayed in the area for two weeks on Camping Le Ranolien, which is literally next to the Pink Rocks, where we had many walks and runs as well. There are many parking lots, conveniently located. The places differ a lot though, so depending on what you're looking for, some are better suited than others. And it's not only rocks! Of the beaches, we liked the one in Perros (I think Trestaou?) the best.
  • RMCCincinnati
    Fellow travellers at a B & B had recommended Tregastel and the Pink Granite Coast when we were traveling in Brittany. it was excellent advice and we would love to spend more time in Tregastel. Maybe on another trip. This is defiinitely an area that we will recommebdation for family and friends.
  • BostonTraveler62
    Definitely worth a trip. Never seen such beautiful scenery. Great for walking and taking photos. Lots of tidal pools, little beaches and beautiful aqua colored water. The shapes of the rocks are unusual and interesting. Amazing numbers of wildflowers blooming in the spring. Really breath taking, all of it!
  • iceman123EastSussex
    Recommend walking fromTrebeurden to Tregestal through the trees, incredible rock formations and pretty beaches. An easy walk for any age.
  • miggiBrighton
    We worked our way around, ending with Perros Guirrec where there are stones balanced on each other all over the headland. It's a beautiful series of bays and harbours to explore. I expect it gets very busy on fine days but the skies were heavy with rain on the day we went so it was quite peaceful. The contrast between the rock colour, the sea and the heather is great for photos.
  • IC170252
    I think that's the 20th time we visited this amazing spot in Cotes D'armor. We have a small holyday house not very far away in a very special scenery but the coast between Perros Guirrec through Ploumanach and till l'Ile Grande is amazing. It has all the huge rose granite rocks, small ports and marinas and at the end Ile Grande with the birds and walking paths. It's wild and I think - being an architect - the building are " dancing" in a nice rithm with the nature. we've seen it in a grey and stormy weather and it has its power nor less than in a sunny and blue sky weather.The site is very crowdy during summer time and the school holydays but it's full of life and all the cafes are full. Off season it's a little bit sad - almost every thing is closed but then you have plenty of parking and all the nature for yourself.
  • mopps4life
    This place was really beautiful...and if I remember correctly there are only two places in the world that have a rock coast like this (not sure again, but I think the other is in China?). Anyways, this really was a great place to just chill out, people watch, and walk around through the rocks and the pathways the mill around the coastline. It was a sunny warm day when were were there so there were a lot of families and sunbathers. There are also some charming little restaurants and ice cream shops around the main beach area. This is a beautiful place that should not be missed if you like to just wind down a little sometimes.
  • huguesR532
    Sans doute un des plus beaux endroits en Bretagne. Je suis originaire du coin mais je ne me lasse jamais d'une promenade sur la côte. Vous pouvez garer votre voiture du côté de Trestraou, empruntez le sentier des douanier et terminez par une crêpe avec vue sur la baie de Ploumanach. Calculez pour arriver à marée haute à Ploumanach, la mer bleue fait ressortir les petites ilôts et rochers de granit rose.
  • BADOU1951
    Depuis peu en Bretagne je dois dire que je me régale de tous ces endroits magiques!! Ploumanach avec ses granits roses! un site exceptionnel que j ai visité deux fois!! Tégastel est aussi un lieu de rêve!! ses petites criques dans les granit ! superbe! je continue mes visites de la côte et je reviendrais pour y déposer d autres avis!!
  • serenad553
    Zona stupenda, innanzitutto caratteristiche le case dei paesi rifinite rigorosamente in granito rosa. Le spiagge sono cosparse di enormi massi di granito, in balia dell'alta e bassa marea. Bellissimo coi bambini dare spazio alla fantasia per vedere nei massi una balena o tanto altro. Sicuramente molto più bello in una giornata di sole perché il granito bagnato dalla pioggia appare più scuro e non offre quel rosa che offre col sole.
  • JoseDoc
    Es espectacular, si no quereis cansaros mucho bajar a la playa de Ploumanach y recorrer unos 500 m del sendero de los aduaneros, os haréis una idea muy completa de lo que es la costa del granito rosa.
  • lubonny
    a Perros Guirec in Bretagna si trova forse uno dei più bei posti naturali da visitare. E al baia che costeggia il sentiero dei doganieri che si inerpica tra sassi enormi di granito rosa, con forme modellate dal vento e dall'acqua che ricordano sculture moderne che si possono vedere al Moma o al Tata.Noi abbiamo fatto una sosta di un 1 ora 1/2 ma se si ha tempo è giusto dedicargli più tempo.Veramente stupefacente. consigliato
  • Wolf1_1968
    La costa della Bretagna è tutta bella, ma questo tratto è veramente particolare, scogliere levigate dal vento e dal mare in forme bellissime.L'erica era in piena fioritura e il contrasto di colore era veramente notevole.Uno dei punti più belli è il faro di Ploumanach, su un promontorio battuto dalle onde.
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