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domaine de la sablière

domaine de la sablière

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Mixiewing
    Nicolas and Marielle Pointeau are really go ahead young wine producers. They are a terrific team. We've been getting to know them over the 18 months. Really delicious wines and consistently so. Their red Ancestrale is heavenly. Their rosé is a gold medal winner, their white a bronze medal winner, and they also produce two excellent pétillants: a rosé which is lovely and a red - which is a both a surprise and gorgeous. Advisable to phone in advance for a tasting. Once there you will be very well looked after. Nicolas and Marielle are also very supportive of other local producers, which we appreciate enormously. We took French neighbours with us a couple of weeks back which was their first visit - although they have tasted Domaine de la Sablière wines at our house on a few occasions. Our neighbours know their wines, know what they like and don't and know the wine business well. All of the them were very impressed and all bought wines. Definitely worth a visit.
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