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etangs de la brenne

etangs de la brenne

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • gingerfrance
    If you visit La Brenne a good place to start would be at La Maison du Parc. Understanding the history of the area and the flora and fauna will add to your pleasure and the visitors centre will also help you plan your trip. If you can, spend more than a day walking, cycling or riding around the area. There is an excellent riding school at Doaudic called La Virevolte. The restaurant at the visitors centre is always open and serves good simple food. It also has a good range of local wines. La Brenne changes with the seasons so don't hesitate to return. I do- again and again
  • Jimhough
    There are many places to see and visit in the Brenne. If you are a keen ornithologist then you will be in your element with the numerous hides. However if you are just interested in birds then take care. Many of the hides will be occupied by people with lots of camera equipment and massive telephoto lenses and you will get rather dirty looks as you enter. Don't try talking or discussing with your partner. The Maison du Parc is a must visit place, not only some lovely food and a very good video room where if you get there early you can listen to many things in English also often a stunning display of photographs or artwork upstairs. They also have a board with all the future events and you can sign up for various walks. If you can get on one of the walks led by Tony Williams then you will be in for a treat, so pleasant and so knowledgeable. He will guide you on what to see and what is available. There is a lovely walk from here by one of the small lakes and you can turn it into a longer walk quite easily. The Chateau Bouchet when open is an interesting visit but you must drive down to Le Mer Rouge, one of the main fishing lakes and take a walk along one part of the bank. The House of Nature is also a very good place for a visit to find out what is available in terms of bird life. There are lots of other museums and places to visit in the Brenne and many bird watchers spend time here every year. It is also possible to hire bikes etc and there are lots of lovely walks. Read other reviews for specific information. We are fortunate to live in the Brenne for part of the year and enjoy it immensely.
  • bass55music
    Lovely walking area with lots of wildlife look out for cistudes (European pond tortoise) Interesting visitor centre too.
  • halilley
    The reason we visit every year. Not far from home but many species of birds which are very rare or extinct in UK are more common here
  • Saabaero
    La Brenne is a paradise for bird watchers, with good hides & access. The roads are quiet, so stopping is easy. There is an extensive series of etangs. There are 2 nature centres, one run by Tony Williams, ideally phone him for information, sitings etc.
  • xaviercoppens
    Like the wildlife of central France, the medieval villages and cities left. Enjoy the excellent local food, especially fried or smoked carp dishes!
  • Paprikalondon
    The bird watching hides were good but some of the paths were badly marked and took us away from the lake. Swimming in the belle Bouche lake was excellent and all the facilities were well organised.
  • jesperogkarin
    This nationalpark is very nice. Small villages with good restuarants. A lot of different birds to watch. And not much people. A quiet and peaceful place in the middle of France.
  • AudeNaturalists
    The various hides offer excellent views.However the curse of the photographer is seeping in.In several hides bird watchers were heavily outnumbered by photographers with giant lenses who take up a great deal of room and show little inclination to move despite notices inviting them to do so.They stay put for hours on end.Try early mornings .
  • TaunyaS_12
    We visit this area regularly, it's about an hour away from our home and is lovely. It has abundant wildlife, stunning countryside and several good restaurants.
  • Marielaure94200
    tous ces étangs sont magnifiques, nous avons observés les oiseaux. Nous avons savourés le calme de ces endroits
  • Feolin
    Tout est très beau: les étangs, les maisons de la nature, les merveilleuses petites routes qui sillonnent la Brenne. Une région qui vous fait oublier le bruit et parfois la fureur des grandes villes. C'est le lieu idéal pour se ressourcer et rêver.
  • alainc164
    bonne balade à faire,cela fait 2 fois que je fais un parcours avec des amis,fan de nature vous ne serez pas déçu,la faune et la flore sont au rendez vous tout le long du chemin et apres une bonne balade un petit diner à l'étang de la gabriere
  • aagr_fan
    Jolis, variés et végétalisés. A faire sans hésiter! Plus les labyrinthes dans les bois, des belles balades avec un beau soleil.
  • Voyager86500
    Des étangs peu profonds témoins des premières piscicultures et des oiseaux magnifiques...amateurs ou pro de la photo , que du bonheur.
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