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george sand's house

george sand's house

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    George Sand’s house was built at the end of the XVIII century. The great...


  • Londontraveller
    Hmm, as with many houses in France, there is little to recommend a return journey. Yes they have kept many aspects the same as it would have been in her day, but, you can only go around with a guide, there appears to be no way of having the tour in any other language. The shop is fine, but everything lacks that special something that you appear to get when visiting old houses in the UK.
  • gourmetrover
    Charming housein original setting with wonderful history. The guide was enthusiastic and interesting. The gardens and cemetery were interesting. Very nice gift/book shop. Pity the cafe was closed for holidays (why do they do that in France when there are plenty of visitors around.?) We visited the town of Chatre first, shops and cafes, then to Nohant for Georges Sands house. After we went to Sarzay to see a pretty chateau and visited the gardeners house where we had a friendly and interesting guided tour of the one room cottage.
  • pensionerBoltonLancs
    Lovely little house (by Chateau standards) Visits are guided and in French only and at set times so you sometimes have to hang around as only one group at time.Gardens are pretty and you can see the family tombs in the churchyard You do get a leaflet in the appropriate language if you are not French but is is a little sketchy
  • Mike-20024
    Located in the quiet, 8-room Aubegre Petite Fadette hotel, the restaurant is a nicely lit room off the hotel's small lobby. The tables are dressed with white table clothes, candles, and flowers. You can order a la cart or choose from two fixed price offerings. We were a party of six and we each enjoyed our meals and the service. Because this is a small, rural area, not many of the servers spoke much English. Luckily, a few of our party knew French, but even if no one did, the language challenge is small. Bon apetite!
  • tigdu
    Attending a wedding party in Berry we had the opportunity to visit the beautiful small manor in Nohant ( Indre 36400), where George Sand spent most of her very active life. ( 300 km south of Paris)The visit was animated by a passionated and highly knowledgeable guide ( in french).It lasted 50 minutes and we learnt quite a lot of details about G Sand life and actions ( in literature, politcs, paintings, music).The all house is in very good shape , with old funitures, paintings, and an exceptional and well preserved small theater as well as a small puppet theater...You may become quite emotional entering the room where Fredéric Chopin wrote most of his piano masterpieces.You also imagine F Lizt or H de Balzac coming and spending few days in this restfull location.The small village of Nohant is real nice as well.Close by is Ars Castle, typical Renaissance castle, situated on the top of a small hill.F Chopin doctor was supposed to live there.We spent one night in a very nice B&B called La Grange, in 36400 Nohant-Vic, Place de L'église ( old roman small church).Nice rooms, warm welcome from the owner Ms Brahi and excellent breakfeast.So an highly recommended break in Berry region on your way to South or Center of France,but it may also be the primary goal of your visit .
  • seze2
    I visited Nohant a few years back. It was a tremendously moving experience for a Sand lover like myself. I took the bus from la Chatre out to her ancestral home, did the tour (well done, very educational), then rather than waiting for a ride back into town I walked the 4 kilometers or so. As I walked past that fatal row of trees where her father was thrown from his horse, I tried to do what Sand had done on her midnight rides 180 years ago, put herself in his place, relive the moment when her fate, for better and for worse, was sealed forever. Incidentally, my novel, George Sand In Love: Seduced and Betrayed, was just added to the library of Amazon Kindle ebooks. It's a historical, erotic at times, romance that imagines how the most passionate affair of Sand's life, her romance with Aurelien de Seze, could have gone in a different direction.
  • SalB
    Our daughter is a great George Sand fan so we made a pilgrimage to Nohant-Viq to visit the Maison George Sand. The nearby auberge has a marvelous restaurant ((Auberge de la Petite Fadette); the adjoining church has wonderful frescoes and the Maison is fascinating.The tour is in French but they give you an English printed guide and it's easy to follow along. One of the German tour members with us asked the tour guide to speak more slowly and that was a great help.Do not miss a walk in the gardens following the tour. They are just marvelous. We also enjoyed a visit to the Chateau at Montpoupon where there is a museum of the hunt (Musée de Venery) that is fascinating.
  • zIbradIz
    This was excellent you should go there it is superb but it is all in french so learn the language before you go there
  • Riquet36
    Touchant mais triste. Guide intéressant et documenté. Nous avons particulièrement aprécié les cuisines et le petit théâtre de marionnettes. Très belle librairie avec un beau chois de livres sur le Romantisme
  • 774huguesd
    Lieu emblématique entre sa maison, son jardin, sa tombe et sa chapelle. De beaux concerts ont lieu au sein de la maison ou à l'auberge atenante.
  • Cathy1069
    Que de plénitude, de tranquillité, de beauté dans ce lieu magique et chargé d'histoire. La visite est si bien faite qu'elle nous transporte littéralement dans l'epoque. Quand au jardin, la paix, la sérénité sont au rendez-vous. N'hesitez pas, c est de l'enchantement !
  • EleaS_13
    Une très belle maison, bien conservée et mise en valeur, présentée par une guide maîtrisant parfaitement son sujet. L'escalier d'honneur est magnifique. Les pièces, intimes, nous plongent dans ce passé proche et lointain. Au-dessus de la boutique, un espace est réservé aux marionnettes de Maurice Sand, le fils doué et trop ignoré : un endroit à ne pas manquer. Le jardin, grâce à une habile disposition, prend les allures d'un parc, avec bosquets, et, tout au bout, une mare secrète, réplique domestiquée de la mare au diable située à quelques kilomètres de là en forêt (mare hélas coupée par une allée forestière, avec une partie envahie par les arbres tombés, c'est bien dommage).
  • ThibaudT545
    C'est un superbe domaine sur une petite place très calme, derrière l'église. La visite du château est très intéressante, les pièces sont très belles et bien conservées, le guide nous raconte l'histoire de cet écrivain hors norme. Le jardin est grand et permet une belle balade aux beaux jours. Le cimetière privé garde les tombes de la famille. Une très belle découverte !
  • AlainJ807
    Après une longue visite de ce lieu chargé de tant d'histoire (la maison, le parc, le cimetière...) une pause s'impose pour s'imprégner encore de l'endroit: le petit restaurant de la maison elle-même. Discret, sans prétention, on y sert tout simplement un excellent pâté de pommes de terre berrichon, tel que devait l'apprécier la Bonne Dame de Nohant.
  • PascaleV_11
    l'atmosphère envoûtante des lieux, l'âme de George Sand est encore présente, le parc est somptueux surtout en automne, la librairie est si bien fournie qu'elle risque d'être en être ruineuse tant il y a de choix
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