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musee somme 1916

musee somme 1916

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • njlaway
    An absorbing display of WW1 relics as you cross under the town of Albert. The kids were fascinated and it took you back in time
  • English_Traveller02
    The displays are in alcoves under the church in the centre of Albert. We also took a battlefield tour which was pre-arranged by the Olivia from the Museum
  • Tigeriffic
    We visited here after a day at Villers Bretonneux and exploring Pozieres. Having been so impressed with what we had seen the day before our expectations were a little low. The walk down into the air raid shelter set the scene perfectly. Our children, 15 and 11, were captivated with the dioramas, information, sound effects, interactive displays and haunting atmosphere. They kept returning to us to tell us what they had found then scuttled back up the tunnel to continue a tour that was self paced for us all.
  • RedRambleTours
    If you are visiting the Somme, then this is an ideal starting point. There are over 250 metres of medieval tunnels underneath Albert’s Main Square. Being underground and indoors, it is an all weather attraction open February to December. The museum portrays life in the trenches. With lots of realistic mannequins, we get a glimpse of the trials and tribulations of the trenches on the Somme. After descending a shallow flight of steps we enter a gallery where you can view an excellent 10 minute film. This is a good introduction to the Battle of the Somme and sets the scene very well for a visit to the region. Along the passageway there is a fine collection of artefacts which have been excavated from the Somme. There are infantry weapons - grenades, bullets and bayonets; Uniform items – Helmets, brass buttons and insignia and personal items -watches water bottles and pocket knives. Along the main gallery there are many alcoves which contain themed displays – ‘The Gas Attack’ and the ‘German Dugout’ and the ‘Aid Post’ particularly stick in my mind. There are also several excellent displays of decorated shell cases or ‘trench Art’. Up a few steps and we are into the ‘Heroes Gallery’. This display follows about ten people through the Great War. Well stocked souvenir shop, selling shell cases (from around 14 Euros), second-hand books, maps, mugs and medals. Display labelling is large font clear and concise in English and French. The staff are very friendly and helpful and do speak English well. There are clean toilets with hot water. Hot and cold drinks and snacks are available at a reasonable price from the vending machines. There are two coach bays next to the museum entrance. Ample free car parking is available opposite to the Basilica Notre Dame de Brebieres. Allow between 45 minutes to 1 hour for your visit.
  • MartLambert
    Used during the napolionic war and as air raid shelter during ww2. And of course during ww1 it is the centre spot of the battle field the best museum on the Somme
  • Jonathan_Targett
    A fantastic museum experience in the heart of the Somme region, ideal for a rainy afternoon. We were welcomed here last week and after looking around the reception area we descended down the the start of the tunnels, over 250m long and 10m underground. Fantastic WW1 exhibits, relics, models, scenarios make this the complete WW1 Somme experience. The information and atmosphere are outstanding and this is an ideal experience for young and old, families or friends. BRILLIANT!
  • susane484
    An excellent little museum that makes very good use of the tunnels beneath the town. There are glass cases brimming with artifacts and many photos of 1914-16. the visit takes approximately 45 minutes
  • Peefor07
    Very well put together museum. Great use of the tunnel, amazing amount of artefacts and interesting information. Would definitely recommend that people watch the movie first. Very moving.
  • NB1957
    This is one of those great museums that tells a story through exhibits, maps, text and some reconstructions and that straightforward approach works brilliantly. The fact that it is underground gives it atmosphere. The exhibits tell the story of the Somme chronologically and it does not resort to silly interactive exhibits which detract from the story. It is a battle that I have read widely about and having a grandfather who was seriously wounded at the battle for me gave the museum greater meaning. I learnt so much from seeing sectioned shells, the basic kit that was carried, the types of weapons carried and so on. This is the way a museum should be. Incidentally, I love the fact that at the end you exit via an excellent shop into a peaceful garden.
  • SherilynD572
    The museum is based down in the subway, which creates an appropriate atmosphere to learn about the war. The content is well presented in various formats. There are models of the various scenes, lots of items used in the war on display as well as simple explanations about how the war fought. The final tunnel is especially good. But I won't give away the surprise.
  • Raymond1960
    I really enjoyed this museum. Set in an extensive underground tunnel I fouud really added to the atmosphere. The exhibits are superb. There is plemty to see and it is well laid out. Beware though it does get very busy at times.
  • DrDonna98
    This museum is in Albert on the "Circuit du Souvenir". It is underground and quite educational. You can begin with a 10 minute video in English or in French then begin the tour. Lots of objects and bilingual explanations. At the end you go through a long tunnel that simulates what it felt like underground during massive bombings, quite the experience!!
  • Chris43bh3
    A very unassuming entrance leads to a fascinating little museum - different from all the rest. A very inexpensive exhibit in the middle of Albert. The journey deep into the underground trench complete with displays of weapons, life in the trenches, and more was fascinating. The tunnel was so very long and unexpectedly came up very far from the entry. Well worth the visit. A good little shop with souvenirs.
  • colinpNorwich
    part of a trip around the area visiting war graves. This is a must. Entrance costs just 6 Euros and is very good value. It is not for the infirm or claustophobic though. A long set of stone steps leads underground and then there is a tunnel that contains a hugh amount of information, relics of the war, details on weapons used in the battles, and very relistic reconstructions of trench life. There is a lot of information to absorb which is expertly presented. The great mystery though is that although there is a long fairly steep descent in, there is no corresponding climb out.
  • philipc429
    A very interesting Museum under the cathedral. The cathedral is well worth a visit as well, especially when you realise it was almost destroyed in WW1.A nice little gift shop as well.
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