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komarno city centre

komarno city centre

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • kaspinka
    Komárno is not a very big town. There are some nice sights, freshly restored. Unfortunately the most interesting one - the fortress was closed at the weekend, the sign said that it´s open on working days which seems a bit illogical and not very tourist-friendly. The central square looks neat but when you take a closer look, it´s rather gaudy.
  • BEH_PL
    Hotel is not in good shape and not kept clean.Bugs on the walls and on the bed, cob webs were all over the room, even on the wi-fi equipment next to the bed.Travelers beware.
  • PasBon2003
    There is a lot of old world history here. Small center that is easy to walk through. Many shops and restaurants.
  • VancouverIslanders41
    We visited websites encouraging us to visit this town with its "Europe Square". Well, if you like about a dozen vendors selling 8 varieties of petroleum ice cream, you have come to the right place. Vacant stores on a yet to be developed square. Our hotel (Bandarium) was nice - we booked two nights, but left after one. Skip this town - go directly to Bratisava!
  • JosiToneDice
    I've visited komarno last summer, it's a nice city center, just sit down somewhere, watch the people, surf in the free WIFI or drink some kofola in a bar!
  • LisaO439
    This is a charming and friendly village. Parts are being restored and it has a beautiful, restored square behind the main square. It's absolutely worth the visit. There is also an extensive fort being restored.
  • Morten3001
    I visit Komarno in December, and it was an amazing experience, Komarno is a cosy little town, with some amazing places and some of the most sweet people I have ever meet.
  • lancecampeau
    The pedestrian zone was just across the road..Not so great on shopping but great to walk around and see old European architecture..The old Roman fort is also within 1 km..
  • CindyW_Texas_USA
    We stopped in Komarno on our cruise ship in an unscheduled stop due to river traffic on the Danube being halted with the June 2013 flood. We disembarked and walked around to stretch our legs and were delighted to find such a lovely city center! You can tell a lot of love and hard work has gone into this area of the city. Freshly restored and painted buildings, an extensive pedestrian area (roads closed to cars - but do watch for bikes going by!), lovely flower beds, flowers on the street lamps, etc. The shops all close at or before 5 pm so shop early in the day if you want something. After that there are plenty of small restaurants, pubs, coffee places to sit in - many with outdoor seating. If you want a place to stretch your legs and get a feeling for a lovely Slovakian town we would recommend this place!
  • 240tomaszm
    Ot tak po prostu przypadkowo jadąc do Bułgarii wdepnąłem do mieścinki i ...zdziwko,,,klimat fajny zwłaszcza, że to niby węgierskie miasto na terenie Słowacji. Starówka niewielka ale za to super.
  • apist
    Percorrendo in bici la ciclabile da Vienna a Budapest si arrivaa Komaron sulla sponda ungherese, cittadina abbastanza anonima.Passando sull'altra sponda si arriva alla città gemella di Komarno dove abbiamo alloggiato. Komarno ha un bel centro storico, raccolto e tranquillo, gradevolissimo da frequentare anche la sera.
  • olvasas
    Komárom belvárosa nagyon kellemes, hangulatos sétára különösen alkalmas, finom sütik vannak a főtéri cukrászdában viszonylag olcsón
  • hmyz
    Исторический центр города красив - здание Мэрии, Церьков св. Ондрея, крепость. Но на счет Площади Европы мне трудно выразиться. Тут маленкие дома всех видов европейской архитектуры, магазины, кафишки. Для кого - то интересно, другому может оказаться дешево и не очень привлекательно. Уверен, что найболее довольны етой частью города будут маленкие дети.
  • Dixkontrol
    Es una pequeña Localidad, en la cual te puedes ir a despejarte la mente y pasear por sus calles, tomar algo y sobre todo parada obligatoria Europe Place para tomar unas fotos, es algo que parece sacado del juego Tetris o un cuento increíble... adjunto fotos...
  • Predador_01
    O centro histórico não tem grandes atrações, é típico das cidades do interior da Hungria, com sua arquitetura típica, com hotéis e restaurantes, o destaque é a vista para o Rio Danúbio e a ponte que liga com a Eslováquia
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