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tepla monastery

tepla monastery

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • TheCordrays
    They are starting to restore parts of this historic facility. It's well worth a visit now, and should be more impressive in the future.
  • lodewijks2014
    The wholeplace looks impressive but it is in a bad condition, hence the renovation works. Visiting hours until 15:30
  • lpetrickova
    I was very surprised to find the monastery in such a state of despair. It is supposedly the oldest monastery in the Czech Republic with a huge impact on the development of the whole region and spa business since middle ages.Communist era really took its toll here and shame nor government neither EU took much interest in this important holy site.It us up to public and individual to collect money for repairs and renovation.There is a small hotel and beer restaurant open and guided tours through the construction side.I felt quite upset find he monastery in such a bad shape.
  • Hubertus57
    Back in time, there change not to much in this kind of places. Nice roads, but watch good for deer etc. We find one restaurant in Tepla it self, was not bad.......
  • 239peterr
    we didn t know the place to be undergoing renovation,but we neveretheless enjoyed the hike around the monastery,the size of it is incredible.still worth to visit
  • vakantiejozef
    The roads towards this attraction are in a horrible state, as so is this monastery: even renovated bits are kind of dilapidated. Its interiors, as well as the church and useum can only be visitde by guidetour, taking pix totally forbidden (interiors). To me the most beautifull part was the old Abbey cemetery (not the new one) tucked away in a desolate spot behind the monastery. Strange it is it can not be visited by a woman on herown (don't ask me why because I still don't get it) but as accompanied by a male it is allowed... Premonstration-Abbey (Premonstratensians) built end 12th century by beatified Hroznata who, in this manner, had bought his way out of his non-participation in the crusade. Originally Romanesque, under Abbot Raimund Wilfert II rebuilt 17th century in current Baroque-style. When the canons were expelled after 1945 fell into decay, 1989 renovation simultanious with the return of the canons.
  • randc09
    Being restored so grounds rather overgrown. Needs a few more notice boards around as we found the good bits after we had left. The cafe/rest. is rather a barn but gave us the coffee and loo fix needed. The souvenier shop has a minefield of trash and a useful book and cards.
  • Hotel_Bohemia
    Its in reconstruction so the visit is from 1 hour shortened to 30 min. but you still pay the same money.
  • ashad186
    We drove to Tepla on the way from Karlovy Vary to Marianske Lazne, the whole complex seemed enormous, you could tell from its size and condition that it has seen its day. The old greenhouses and surrounding buildings, though in bad shape, told the story of its prosperity in the past. We were surprised how deteriorated it appeared, the inside of the church was well preserved. Library closed early so we couldn't see it. Worth visiting, quiet place. Undergoing reconstruction funded by the EU.
  • Hawthorne55
    Beautiful old place, lovely panelling in the library. You can get there by train from Marienbad.
  • W966ZO_
    зимой монастырь не работает, поэтому там пусто, грязно, идет какое-то строительство. Возможно летом там есть что посмотреть, но зимой ехать не стоит.
  • JanPraga
    Es un monasterio del siglo XII, el cual fue bastante destruido durante el regimen comunista. Desde el cambio de regimen los hermaanos hacen todo lo posible para que este monumento historico retomara su esplendor. Allí que una de las bibliotecas más grandes de la R. Checa noc libros antiquíssimos...... En el mes de enero el monasterio queda cerrado, pero desde el febrero se reabren las puertas. Si alguien queda en el balneario de Marianské Lazne o Karlovy Vary vale la pena de pasar por este lugar !!!! Es algo inolvidable.
  • 63olgak
    Сюда мы заехали поужинать и не разочаровались - мило, вкусно. Мясо хорошо прожаренное. Настоящего чешского пива отведали :)
  • 422nataliyaa
    Место, не избалованное туристами. Тихо, спокойно, душевно. Монастырский комплекс несомненно заслуживает внимания. Красивый парк с прудом, где так приятно прогуляться.Добраться можно поездом, курсирующим между Карловыми Варами и Марианскими Лазнями, далее пешком 2-2,5 км, в зависимости от выбранного маршрута.
  • 733nataliar
    Монастырь в Тепле расположен приблизительно в 20-ти километрах восточнее города Марианске-Лазне. Этот приют для христиан был основал в 1193 году чешским вельможей Грознатой в качестве уступки за неучастие в Крестовом походе. Спустя несколько лет Грозната принял монашеский постриг и занялся управлением монастырским имуществом. Эта должность оказалась роковой для Грознаты, на которого однажды во время его деловой поездки напали разбойники. За его освобождение разбойники потребовали от монахов выкуп. Грозната от него отказался, так как не хотел, чтобы монастырь разорился. Грозната погиб в плену, затем был почитаем как мученик, а в конце XIX века был беатифицирован. Главный элемент монастыря — романо-готический костёл Благовещения Девы Марии. На рубеже XIX и XX столетий были созданы музей с парком и новая библиотека. Грозные времена монастырь перенес во время Второй мировой войны. Монахи вернулись в Теплу только после политических перемен 1989 года.
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