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tervete nature park

tervete nature park

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 691mariusd
    Tērvete Nature Parkis the best and friendliest place for families with children and for those who can look at the world through a child’s eyes, rejoicing at the interplay of nature and fairytales. This place will also make an impression on those who admire the mightiness of the ancient Zemgalians. These evoke associations to modern generations when climbing up to three ancient caste mounds.
  • Kleo_4ever
    Very nice place to visit and travel into Latvian fairy world...You will see in the woods different fairy tale characters. Good place to visit with friends and family/children.
  • mimi-lil
    This is my favorite place in Latvia, I have visited it many times before and always I'm happy return - to see how everything changes and develops. There is a fresh air, nature and very postive atmosphere. I always feel there like in a fairytale! This time we visited all the main places with sculptures, playground and also - for the first time I went to the new view tower! The view was great and although I'm afraid of high - this tower is really strong so I felt safe there. So - a great place where to spend all day with family :)
  • 229elenaa
    Great place for everyone. Clean forest with a lof of amusements for children and adults. Spirit of childhood will visit you again and again, just let it in..
  • ValtsV
    Tervete nature park is a very suitable place for spending a whole day (or most of the day) out of Riga. There is a lot of attractions for children, but it is also a nice place to be for adults - who just might choose different - quiet - trails in the park.Most popular trails in the park are build around dwarfs (gnomes), other fairy tale creatures, including the Witch and the Devil. There is a nicely build Dwarf Village with mock houses, windmill, mine, sawmill, etc. - a small open air museum of dwarf life and culture. All dwarf buildings (including several underground passages) can be entered by smaller children.Apart from the Dwarf Village, the Witch Forest is our favourite. Large spiders on the trees, owls, ravens, and the Witch herself are there. The Witch is unexpectedly friendly, though, and offers visitors tea from her huge cauldron. You can also find Devil's summerhouse and dragon's egg in the same forest.There are also a large children playground and a picnic area, several more trails with wooden sculptures of fairy tale creatures, as well as many trails without any specific distractions, just allowing you to walk in beautiful mature forest.There is a large parking lot next to the entrance gate, but when it is fully busy - you can choose between parking on the main road or at the extremely expensive parting lot just next to the information centre.The park is very busy during sunny autumn weekends.
  • Bertago
    Great place for hiking! I visited this beautiful nature park in October 2013 together with my wife, and had a nice walk in the area.
  • W0nderer007
    A super way to spend a day with the whole family. Much to see, much to do. Beautiful nature, interesting wooden sculptures and small villages
  • 203maxl
    Great place to take kids to - forest tracks, wooden sculptures and small mock wooden houses, all themed after gnomes and other fairytale forest inhabitants.
  • Spring27
    Home of Latvian writer but if you have not read her stories you will still find that forest and grounds attractive. well maintained forest. Loads to see and explore. Nice playgrounds surrounded by forests.
  • MareksPolice
    My children like the park. Now we know where are living gnomes. Grate place for walk in fresh air. Recommending for everyone to see it once a year.
  • Siksta
    Great place for children and adults, more or less it is for families. Everywhere are small wooden houses for dwarfs, animals and other forest creatures, as well wooden sculptures. So kids don't get bored. Friendly place for dogs.
  • MengL
    It like a fairy tale come through and the children will love this outdoor park where they get to interact with nature in a fun way. Great surrounding!
  • ValdisT
    Take a rest - go to Tervete with Your family! It will take more than hour to go, but it is worth of it. Especially for children.
  • UldisV
    Maybe more for those who love nature, bu this is excellent place where you have a rest for whole family. Escape from concrete and see beauty of nature and fairy tales.
  • aigarssm
    it is out of Riga city - south west bound! when you will reach, park the car and than... there are direction signs, what you can see, where you can go and so on! grab some snacks with you and bottle of water, while you could need it throughout longer walks! pls don't trash and take your rubbish out from the forest to the designated places for it!
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