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the secret soviet bunker

the secret soviet bunker

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • markgH694JL
    We went to Ligatne Bunker and happy yo report a very positive review. Tour was very interesting. The guide who works there really does his job really good. It was interesting, a bit scary and also fun to see the facilities in bunker. If you are interested in history of cold war and Soviet Union, I suggest to visit Ligatne bunker. By the way, they have a nice and very well priced cafe upstairs where you can order a decent dinner for 3-4 EUR.
  • ilmarsc
    Visit Ligatne in autum is must have in your to do list. Tour guide in Secret Buncker took 1.5 hours full of exciting stories. Also visit caves in the center of Ligatne.
  • TonyJacques
    Visited this during our Baltic Road trip from Helsinki to Kiev. As a politics student during the Cold War it was incredible to go into the place. Even though it was essential a civil, not military, facility it had a genuine Soviet feel to it. They are quite happy for you to touch buttons, pick up phones act so very hands on. All tours are in Russian, Latvian or English and the guide was excellent. From a visitor point of view it was a bit difficult to find, you do actually need to enter the Rehabilitation Centre - it's not a separate place ! - and it can get a bit cold after 1 hour below.
  • berend2014
    Came across this in the lonely planet and was glad I visited. On the surface it looks like a dated soviet retreat but 8m below was an impressive time capsule of Cold War paranoia. Guide was funny and informative and told lots of stories of the facility. Good value for money less than 10€ at the time I visited and it truely was a once in a lifetime experience. Well worth effort. I came on bike fr sigulda which was 50km round trip but there are easier ways to get there
  • LexGrizzly
    For people who are interested how far human insanity could lead, a visit in this secret communist nuclear bunker, constructed under the medical rehabilitation centre of Ligatne, could be highly interesting. Nine meter under the ground, this 2.000 m2 bunker for 250 communist survivors of a nuclear, or bacteriologic war, was finished, just in time in 1982 before the iron curtain ended. Some organizational mistakes happened as well, so, 1 wash room for 250 persons during 3 months, or no cold cell to store the dead. From the technical point of view, the connections to Moscow were perfect. Of course, they produced their own electricity, oxygen or water, but nobody thought at the "human" side. To get more information about the guided tours,they are available at the Reha Centre (2km East of Ligatne) . Phone: +371 64161915 Website: http://www.bunkurs.lv
  • zippy608
    Anytime you can visit an original site left over from the Cold War it is worth seeing. The bunker was built as a Civil Defense Bunker in case of a Nuclear attack. It was built beneath a rehab centre and was kept secret until 2003. We thought that the bunker was great. We had an English speaking guide who was very knowledgeable about the Cold War. We visited quite a few rooms that still contain many original items. Amazingly, even the generators still work. The tour also included a small plate of Russian Ravioli in the kitchen which was pretty neat. This a unique and authentic place and should not be missed. The tour lasted almost 2 hours and was well worth the money. Our quide told us that when the bunker was abandoned the rehab centre found thousands of new gas masks that were left behind. So you can own a real piece of Soviet Cold War history by purchasing one at the desk where you buy the tickets. You just have to tell them that you want to purchase one. I purchased one and it was dated 1976 and it cost approx. 8 U.S. Dollars.
  • 4malcolms
    As a regular visitor to Latvia, I took my son to the bunker in July for what was my third visit there. Having grown up during the cold war period the Soviet regime is of particular interest and a tour of the bunker takes you back in time to what would have been the third world war scenario. To my knowledge there are tours in Latvian, Russian and English which is less frequent so contact the Ligatne Rehabilitation centre (bunker is underneath) in advance to find out when the English tours take place. However my first tour was on a Latvian language tour and the guide was able to answer the odd question or two so it is still worth a visit if you can't make an English tour. As for entrance fee the English tour costs more than the Latvian or Russian but still only around £5 not bad for the best part of two hours entertainment.
  • AdityaD485
    We visited this bunker in July 2013 and it was a great experience. its a massive place and we had a helpful guide. All the original equipment and things are still there and it gives you a great insight on how things used to work in Soviet Union then. Its easy to find and built below a rehab centre.
  • BeverleyMason
    This was an excellent 2 hours at a cost of approximately £8,50 per person with an English speaking guide Matiss who took myself and hubby plus one other guest around this soviet nuclear bunker which was only de-commissioned in 2003. There are approximately 90 rooms and we visited 20 which were furnished with original equipment/installations. The tour was fascinating and Matiss was able to answer all questions posed, whether political/historical or social. Towards the end of the tour we were taken to the 'canteen' where we were given a typical 1980's meal of Russian dumplings and sour cream with a cup of juice. There is also a small café upstairs where coffee and cakes/chocolate can be purchased. We then spent time wandering around the outside looking at the ventilation shafts and the surrounding areas which are very pretty A must visit for young and old.
  • ebf55
    The secret bunker in Ligatne is a very special and interesting place , It really shows you how it was in the sovjet times, It is an interresting place for both young and old. My daugher booked a visit with transport from Riga and guided tour in the bunker in english. It was great she said. I joined a guided tour from the entrance it was in latvian and I was lucky to have a personal translater.
  • JackieT13
    We have been to Latvia many times, but this is the first time we visited a "Soviet bunker." (90 rooms are in this bunker underground). It is nestled in a beautiful wooded area located near Ligatne. This Soviet bunker was built between 1967-1970's. It's cover name was "Vacation hotel" for the political elite of the 1980's in case of a nuclear war. Above ground, it resembled a hotel complete with balconies. The bunker is 3 stories underground, self sustaining with all the necessary electricity, water supply, equipment (including air purification) communication capability direct to Moscow Kremlin and other key locations. We were able to see the rooms where they met, maps detailing strategies, KGB room etc. It was fascinating!
  • zajci
    Located beneath a recreation facility used by government officials in soviet times, this bunker has only been opened for general public in 2003. Lots of military communication equipment, maps, furniture and other stuff from that era. You will also learn how bunker's heating, ventilation and decontamination systems work. Gives you a nice insight on what would happen in case of war situation.An authentic soviet-style meal is also included.
  • clemence233
    Visiter un vrai bunker de l'époque soviétique avec les équipements quasi intacts, impressionnant!Par contre, réserver avant afin d'avoir la visite en anglais. Malgré la sympathie des guides, au vu de la visite, ils ne peuvent pas traduire plusieurs fois les explications.
  • 70mariaantoniettam
    Sopra una collina è situato un centro riabilitativo sorto negli anni 60...sotto questa fredda architettura è ben celata la "PENSIONE", ovvero un bunker sovietico di massima sicurezza. La Pensione è stato uno dei più importanti nascondigli strategici in caso di minaccia nucleare e la sua esistenza è rimasta segreta fino al 2003!!! Il bunker conserva le sue sembianze originarie ed è davvero curioso l'accoppiamento bunker-centro riabilitativo! È possibile visitare il bunker con la guida in inglese e all'interno del centro è possibile mangiare!! Prezzi assolutamente accessibili!!!
  • Natalja84
    Не знаю чего мы ждали, но чего то большего. Очень затянуто, по настоящему интересного ничего и не увидели. Но, хочется сказать СПАСИБО нашему терпеливому и весёлому гиду. Без неё было бы совсем тоскливо. В цену билета входили пельмени и "морс". Люди-ау! Не хотите варить нормальный морс, лучше дайте кружку чаю, чем разведённый юппи!
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