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  • JulieH754
    Lecce is one of the largest mediaeval towns I have seen, to have a really good look would take more than one day. In excellent condition, lots of nice little cafes and many historical buildings to see including the magnificent Basilica. Please note it is only open all day during June/July, at other times they close at 1pm - 5pm for lunch/siesta. Can recommend the double pedicab bike for a 1-2 hour overview of the town approx. $25-30au per person with the bike rider being a guide as well, it is recommended. All in all well worth a visit
  • Rugby610
    The architecture is overwhelmingly beautiful. Tiny side streets with massive medieval looking doors that open out to beautiful courtyards. The subterrainian ampetheatre in the main square. The amazing basilica and churches. And coffee at Alvinos.
    Lecce is a historic city in Souther Italy as well as one of the most important cities of Puglia. Because of the rich baroque architecture monuments found in this city, Lecce as nicknamed "The Florence of the South". We have strolled around the city leisurely by ourselves and places of visit included the Roman Amphiteatre, the Triumphal Arch, Church of Holy Cross, Lecce Cathedral and the Church of San Nichola. Definitely you will not be disappointed if you really have interests in architecture.
  • 159alanw
    We visited Lecce for part of a day whilst driving to the Adriatic coast. Like most old Italian cities there is an abundance of buildings and other items to see but we particularly liked the arena / amphitheatre, so a couple of photos for others to see.
  • shashab33
    From Ostuni its less than an hour to Lecce,a city famous for its huge population of lawyers and for some of the most exuberant Baroque architecture in all of Italy. What people call Lecce's baroque period-is really its renaissance. The thick flower garlands,the gargoyle caryatids,and foolish putti of the facade to the Church of santa croce,was started in the 1500s. If sunlight itself had a colour,it would be that of the local "pietra Leccese", the honeyed,golden limestone of which Lecce's many baroque churches and palazzi are built. Rich in clay,pietra leccese is so soft when it comes from the quarry that it can be modelled like wood and the voluptuous carving that comes forth is so fine that gilt was once applied directly to the stone. This is cosmopolitan southern Italy...where Italians come for their summer vacation. Its a gorgeous area to spend 3-4 days in casual abandonment.
  • Vita_DolceVita
    Южане называют Лечче южной Флоренцией..))) Флорентийцы, мягко сказать, не очень любят это сравнение, считая, что Лечче не имеет никакого сходства с неподражаемой Флоренцией! Отчасти они правы. Но с другой стороны, Лечче -это сердце Апулии, также как Флоренция -это сердце Тосканы. Прекрасный город с яркой архитектурой! Обязательно стоит посетить! Он не "цепляется за туристов" (как например, Венеция), вы не встретите ряды дешевых палаток с китайскими сувенирами и прочим барахлом. Этот город мягко впустит Вас в свою размеренную жизнь, позволит Вам почувствовать себя его частью, и также нежно отпустит, оставив самые нежные воспоминания. Очень отзывчивые и доброжелательные люди, великолепная кухня и местные вина, прекрасная архитектура, многовековая история! Что еще нужно, чтобы провести пару восхитительных дней! ))
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