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ancient pompeii

ancient pompeii

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  • 景点介绍

    Home of the world's most famous volcanic disaster when Mount Vesuvius...


  • fl0rinay
  • RonLynda
  • RichardH863
    庞培就是给没来过的人的印象太美好了。到这里玩儿的所有游客都要忍受一场近乎是让人感觉“丢脸”的经历。把“庞培”和“丢脸”两个关键词放在谷歌里面搜索,你会发现很多人都有这样的想法,包括对这个地方,以及这里的运营状况。如果你无论如何都想来这里的话,那么一下的事情将是你会经历到的。1. 庞培城的很大一部分都是不对游客开放的。导游跟你们说“有一些建筑是关闭了的”的时候,他们确实是说的实话。一天,我尝试去地图上列出来的40栋建筑(这些都是在地图上面标了号的)。这其中只有14栋是开放的,在这些开放着的建筑中,有像是广场这样的地方,本来就是开放的区域,所以也没有办法禁止游客入内。没有导游告诉你哪些是开放的,哪些是不开放的,你只有自己到处乱碰,自己发现这其中的规律。2.在城里面转让人感到特别失望,因为整个道路都是封闭的,毫无道理的感觉。所以你可以出发去参观某栋建筑,然后发现你的路被障碍物挡住了。最后,我受够了这种状态,之间翻越了几个障碍物,以免不停地绕路浪费时间(如果你觉得这个听起来好像对这个地方不够尊重,那么请记住在庞培街道上走路非常困难,因为路的表面非常粗糙,城市的监管人看似对这里也没有很尊重)。3.一旦你进入了这个区域,你会发现里面的标志近乎是没有的状态。在这里旅游的时候(在这儿大概呆了7个小时)我只看到了三块指示板,其中一块还特别古老,上面的字都看不清。在步行了一个小时之后我发现有些人手里好像拿着发的旅行指南,都没有人给我一份。4. 整个庞培城都是一种支离破碎的感觉。这主要是由于意大利政府和中介机构的忽视造成的。到处都竖着脚手架,很多都已经在生锈了,很明显在这里的时间很长了,根本就没有采取任何措施来维持砖石的稳定。5.我租用的自动导游真的是很悲催。到了很多建筑的时候就干脆来一句“没有录入信息”。在一些比较大的建筑物里面倒是有介绍,但是很难把自动导游所说的话和所介绍的房间联系起来,所以很难搞清楚到底在解说什么。而且还会时不时的抛出来几个词,例如“列柱廊”、“ 躺卧餐桌”等,很少有人知道这些词,除非他们学过罗马建筑物的布局构造。所以大家还是别寄希望于自动导游了!6. 城里面都没有保安阻止游客损坏建筑物。一个导游看到其中一个浴缸上的几块马赛克掉了,就直接跑出去冲着维修工作人员大叫着提醒,但是他被果断无视了。能做点什么事来解决这些问题呢?砖瓦都应该好好维护一下,这样才不会因为天气的原因而损毁。我不知道意大利有没有像我们在英国那样的冰冻天气,但是我们那里很多历史的纪念碑都没有太受影响。在那些刻有精美壁画的建筑物上面搭建防水屋顶没有多难吧?虽然有的建筑物上面已经搭建了屋顶,但是防水效果还是没有多明显。如果说石板路被游客磨损的厉害,那么就可以在石板路上面搭上一层木质的或者是钢质的地板,这些材质可以在必要的时候进行翻修。当然,这些都是一些比较实际的问题,如果有心想要处理的话还是很容易解决的。问题是,他们没有这样的意志。在庞培逛了一圈之后可以得出一个结论那就是意大利政府是无能的,或者是腐败的,否则没有理由可以解释眼前的这种状况。还有一种办法就是让英国的国民托管组织派一支急救队来这里。他们应该知道怎么解决眼前的这种混乱的状态。问题是我怀疑他们都可能会被意大利政府机构打败,除非他们能获得一大笔钱,还有就是不受约束的环境。今天游览过这里之后,我被眼前的景象所震撼,但是看到这样独特的一处古迹被无止尽地肆意破坏,我感到非常伤心,也很生气。
  • drpj2
    这个地方很大。如果没有请导游,就在入口处拿一个音频导览。走在大街小巷,不会有悲伤怀旧的感觉,因为你能了解到这里曾经是个繁华热闹的城市。你会忍不住设身处地想到这些。在餐馆的路线中,导游会让你觉得这曾经是个多么先进的有秩序的团体。同时这座城当时也是罪城,就如拉斯维加斯一般,性和赌博是其人民生活中重要的一部分。这里非常大,所有要早点来。不要去外面的浮雕宝石店,那里的珠宝是很不错,不过价格非常高。要记得带水过来,因为这里没有多少喷泉。还要穿上舒适的鞋子,里面大部分都是鹅卵石和泥土路。可以在网上搜一下它到底有多大:Pompei Scavi | Via Villa dei Misteri 2, Pompeii, Italy。不要忘了带上相机。
  • HollyRS3
  • townby
  • orchidloverLincoln
    We toured the site with Carolina who was so enthusiastic, full of facts and stories. She made you see Pompeii when it was a live bustling city. This is an incredible site to visit and hear about the early Roman times. We are so lucky to be able to visit sites like this.
  • AnchorageMelissa
    We went there as a family. Our 9 year old even enjoyed it. It was a long drive from Rome, but it was worth it. It is phenomenal to think that they have excavated such a huge portion of the city that was buried by the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. We didn't get a tour / guide, and would recommend you get a guide if you can, as the city is HUGE and they could get you to the best sights. It was HOT in August, and we spent a fortune to get some cold drinks. Was an amazing place to see. My son and I aren't history nuts, but we still enjoyed seeing the ruins of Pompeii
  • johannaw823
    Giada was our guide on a cold and windy day in March (2015). Obviously out of season! Admittedly and for obvious reasons we were a small group. It was slightly confusing having to pay twice but logical when the penny dropped that we were paying entrance to the ruins and for the guide. She was AMAZING! She was interesting, knowlegable, informative, she listened, answered questions fully and constantly aware of individual group members - she was well worth the money! We went back on our own and were immensely grateful that we HAD been collared by the hustlers outside Pompeii, Villa dei Misteri station, it made our second trip easy to plan and execute. We knew what to make a beeline for! We went to the much smaller Herculaneum on our own and Giada's information on the earlier trip to Pompeii was invaluable. I cannot speak for other guides but if Tempio Travel are intelligent and discriminating enough to employ Giada they know what they are doing (however much hustling goes on - this happens everywhere, it is the way it works!)
  • 444rogerg
    You must be prepared to be both amazed and disappointed. Cost 11€ and seniors are no longer free (just children) but entrance fee could be more and it would still be worth it. Pompeii tells the story of Roman life in detail. An audio is useful 6€. Do not expect to find a presten site. Half of the massive site is no more than building ruble. What is there is a conglomeration of differing styles of orgional build and restoration. Many buildings on the free map and in the free mini guide did not have access and there is a lot of on going restoration work where whole streets are blocked of. I suspect the money avaliable for the maintenance and development of Pompeii is woefully inadequate for such an important heritage site. On a negative note the admission staff were less than helpful. We went in via the Piazza Anfiteatro gate and a rather abrupt gate attendent told us there was no longer concessions for seniors (I did not mind paying) and we could only purchase audio guides at the Porta Vesuvio gate, In reality you could only purchase the guides outside the gate which again ended in a small confrontation. At the end of the day we returned the audio guides and tried to re-enter the Porta Vesuvio gate so we could exit via the same exit we came in by, as this was our shortest route back to the hotel. We had half hour to do this, more than enough time. I am 66 and after such an exhausting day just wanted to get back to the hotel. Even though we showed the attendant our tickets entry was refused. This meant we had to walk around the primeter of Pompeii instead of the more direct route through the site. Fortunately this did not turn out as bad as I thought, but it was still anoying as it was totally unnecessary.
  • delnorn
    You will be amazed at the degree of sophistication and technological advancement of this city. The city was preserved in time like a photograph. Walking through the streets you can almost hear, taste, and smell what life was like 2000 years ago. An audio guide or tour group will make your experience that much better. Do not miss this attraction!
  • Stadiaguy
    Just go, it will be worth it. I was not all that excited as ancient history in general does not excite me, but man did it not only change my perspective of time but also greatly increased my appreciation of ancient cultures. To think that i was standing in front of me of the first take out restaurants and buffet lines is awesome to think about The city itself is massive and without paying attention to the map you can get lost easily. We walked around for about 2 hours and really to see it all budget 3-4. We were there in the low season which was great, i could not imagine due it during the summer with the crowds and heat. We purchased the audio tour which was very helpful, and leave the stroller at home. I would go again and would strongly consider hiring a guide who are avialable at the main entrance.
  • OldieDorking
    My second visit in 30 years, and even more exciting this time. I had a guide for 2 hours, but would probably have preferred to have the audio machine and go at my own pace. This a unique place, nothing else is quite like this step back in time. I would also suggest visiting the Naples museum Pompeii section, and reading Mary Beard's book 'Pompeii' before you go.
  • GraceJ530
    I loved touring the ancient ruins at Pompeii. It is so crazy to be looking at frescos that were on a persons wall nearly 2000 years ago. And the fact that most of it is still buried just adds to the mystery :) Make sure to stop by an orange stand and buy some blood oranges. :)
  • RipleyG
    This was our second trip to the Pompeii ruins and the impact did not lessen - viewing first hand, a large city that was suddenly buried, preserving the history of a period in time, is something special. You can imagine the residents of this city going about their business and marvel at the modern amenities - fast food stores, running water, beautiful artwork and gardens, kerb and channelling, stepping stones to cross roads, arenas, bathhouses - Pompeii had it all. We took a private guided tour this time (last time we were with a big group) and got to see some of the more off the track sites and when our tour was finished, we walked to the house of mystery and followed the path around the old city walls to the large arena. The ruins are nestled right up against the modern city of Pompeii. They are a not to be missed sight on any trip to Italy.
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