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roemer-kastell "bodobrica"

roemer-kastell "bodobrica"

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • LordPercyPercy
    While not impressive enough to be a destination in and of itself, this is an interesting little piece of Roman history that the town of Boppard has taken some time to make presentable. The erected signage is informative and it's certainly worth the short walk from the river if you've arrived via a ship/boat or bus.
  • toon-of-macktoon
    This Roman remains were pointed out on the train tour so decided to have a look. This should be signed from the riverbank to allow more to see it. However what signs were there were all in German so made it difficult to understand what you were looking at.
  • travel7continents
    On a walk through Boppard, we came to these ruins of the Roman walled city. It is so interesting to see what remains after all these centuries. As more tourists arrive by riverboats, I hope the small towns along the Rhine and Mosel Rivers will improve signage on their historic treasures such as this.
  • composthappens
    On a walking tour of the city we learned a bit about these ruins. They are interesting, and make sure you go down the stairs to the lower level to see the graves.
  • MeghanW74
    Our family (kids 8 and 5) visited this ancient roman fort wall which was used later as a Medieval City wall. My kids enjoyed seeing up close what the wall was made of. Downside very few of the signs were translated into English, so we had to guess at what the signs said.
  • darciu
    Na verdade são ruinas, mas a cidade se aproveitou do muro romano para construir parte de paredes de suas casas e muro mesmo de delimitação do terreno. A cidade em sí é uma beleza a ser descoberta.
    Cette ruine romaine n'est pas exceptionnelle mais rappelle que Boppard est issue d'un château fort romain
  • Fierhaus
    Localizadas em Boppard, cidadezinha à beira do Rheno, estas ruínas de um antigo porto romano são interessantes. Aproveite para circular pela simpática cidade.
  • eberhardw_13
    Wir hatten am Samstag 15. Juni 2013 11.oo Uhr eine Stadtführung mit einem sehr, sehr guten Stadtführer, der die Geschichte Boppard`s sehr gut und lebendig "rüber brachte".
  • Achhammer
    Das Römerkastell liegt am Rand der Bopparder Altstadt, unmittelbar bei der Fußgängerzone und Kirche. Frei zugänglich, kein Eintritt. Interessanter Einblick in die römische Kultur
  • monikak642
    schiffahrt nach boppard auf dem rhein ist schon ein erlebnis mit den schönen burgen links u.rechts vom rhein.In boppard angekommen mit der schönen rheinpromenade einfach toll.Nähe marktplatz das Römer-Kastell die severus Kirche schöne Gärten u.Parks.Viele Gasthäuser,und viele Geschäfte.Da wir nur 2std zeit hatten,konnten wir leider nichts alles erkunden.Schade.
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