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guttenberg castle (burg guttenberg)

guttenberg castle (burg guttenberg)

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Peteenglert
    Home of the German Raptor Center and with views of the Neckar Valley it was well worth the effort to pedal our bikes up to see Burg Guttenberg. We didn't do the bird show but did tour the grounds and visit the museum. Walking around we saw the Hawks, Eagles, Vultures and Owls that live in the raptor center. This hilltop castle was built in the Middle Ages and still stands till this day.
  • thunefeld
    We did not attend the bird show, instead concentrating on the museum and climbing to the top of the old tower. This late medieval hilltop castle overlooks the Neckar river valley below. The castle was never destroyed and has been inhabited continuously for almost 800 years, since the mid-15th century from the line Gemmingen-Guttenberg - the Barons of Gemmingen. Great views. Great tower. Great museum. Great time!
  • hunter580
    Excellent show! Birds fly right over your head! Some of the birds are so ugly only a mother could claim them! We told the people that were doing the show that we didn't speak much German so they explained everything in english. You have to let them know!
  • Sookyoung1101
    Bird show (but only in German), everything about becoming knights etc. Interesting exhibit.I didn't watch the show but the museum was well presented. Had to buy an English booklet to read the despriptions written on the walls.On their website, they say they have hay-bed hotel.I wanted to try staying there, but we decided to move on to the next town along the Burgenstrasse. I think the kids would love it.
  • VeronikaPetar
    We went there with our 5-year old while we were touring Baden-Wurttemberg and staying with our German friends who told us about this castle and the bird sanctuary in the first place. (Otherwise I doubt that we would ever come across it.) It is a very scenic drive getting to this place. I am sure the entire castle is beautiful to see but we were very short with time so we opted for the bird "show" only. There were several kinds of birds of prey and there was lots of talk about their habits, feeding, breeding etc but all of it was in German. The guide made an effort to share a little bit in English but these were really only a couple of sentences so we didn't really learn anything about the birds. (Except that one of the, eagles I think, weigh at cc 2 kilos only.) There was a lot flying just over our heads and I was even hit slightly by an eagle swooshing - quite impressive, we could see the beauty of these animals. There was a family with two kids sitting behind us and the younger (around 3 years old) was actually not enjoying the show at all and kept hiding in his mum's arms. I was imagining my sister how much she would not like this so if you are not into birds just don't do it. Otherwise, it is an interesting 1 hour, especially if you can speak German.
  • 112AndyB112
    We drove by here while traveling on the Neckar River looking at all the castles along the way. We happened to get here right when the bird show was starting so we paid the extra money and watched the show. It was great! Birds from all over the world and the show was entertaining and lasted right around and hour. It is something you should see while in this area. I highly recommend it!
  • artalmon
    Burg Guttenberg proved again to be worth a trip. To get there you drive along the Neckar valley, either coming from Heidelberg or Heilbronn, and the drive is very scenic with many castles and beautiful villages and towns along the way, such as Bad Wimpfen.Being in a bit of a rush, we decided to focus on the spectacular and unique, so we only went to see the bird show, which was amazing, as always.
  • looplou1984
    Burg Guttenberg is very pleasant and quiet, due to it's location. The castle museum is very quaint and full of interesting objects, however all information about the objects is in German; which was ok for me, being able to read German quite well, but my friend doesn't, which could cause a problem for some people. The view from the top of the tower was magificent. The bird show was my favourite part of the afternoon. We were presented with eagles, owls and vultures, which flew over our heads and walked down the aisles. The man talking about the birds spoke German and English, even though we were the only English people there and was very informative. The only bad point was horrible children sat in front of us, but you can't win them all! A delicious coffee was enjoyed at the restaurant after the show, but no cake unfortunately. The bird sanctuary was also very interesting, with a large selection of birds of prey. We were there just in time to watch the birds being fed, but the gift shop was closed at 16.50, which was disappointing, but a very good afternoon all in all.
  • roMD562
    Sehenwert sind Burg und Greifvogelschau. Das Restaurant mit Terasse und wunderbarem Weitblick serviert auch mal in historischem Outfit. Die Speisekarte ist umfangreich mit gut bürgerlichem Angebot. Der Braten war lecker, die Sauce kräftig, gut gewürzt und geschmackvoll. Trotz großem Andrang kam das Essen schnell, der Service war gut und sehr freundlich. Ein gutes Preis-/Leistungsverhälnis und nicht auf Touristennepp angelegt. Auch wer sich nicht für Vögel interessiert sollte einen Besuch einplanen.
  • Claudiadepaula
    Este castelo abriga um centro muito conceituado de aves de rapina e a determinadas horas é feito um show muito legal com elas. Vale a pena!
  • MariAndelS
    Als Ausflugsziel einer Tagestour mit dem Motorrad angesteuert, präsentiert sich die Burg Guttenberg als sehr unterhaltsam. Natürlich ist die Flugvorführung der Falknerei das absolute Highlight: spannend und doch informativ präsentieren die Falkner ihr Schützlinge. Und vor bzw. nach der Vorführung? Unbedingt die Zwingeranlagen mit einer Vielzahl verschiedener Greifvögel anschauen. Schließlich wartet im Innern der schön erhaltenen/gestaltenen Burg auch noch eine Ausstellung des mittelalterlichen Ritterlebens, die sehr umfangreich und mit Liebe zu Details durch den Ritteralltag führt. Zwischendurch kann man sich gut in der angegliederten Burgschenke stärken: Gut-bürgerliche Küche zu moderaten Preisen. Die Burg Guttenberg unterhält eine eigenen Website, auf der man viele zusätzliche Aktionen, wie Rittermahle, spezielle Veranstaltungen und besonders Führungen und Waldprojekte für Kindergruppen und Schulklassen u.v.m. findet.
  • De_Gustativo
    Tuve la oportunidad de cenar en la taberna del Castillo, cena organizada por una gran empresa de la región con más de cien personas.No solamente puedo afirmar que todos los platos eran todos muy buenos, que el servicio era digno de elogios, sino que el espectáculo que nos ofrecieron era a la vez autentico, original y muy divertido.El servicio iba vestido de época, tocando instrumentos musicales de época, ofrecieron una cena espectáculo con música, cantos, magia y mucho encanto.Vale mucho la pena descubrir esta taberna!
  • curziom565
    È stata organizzata dalla società come complemento alla partecipazione di una Open House. Piacevole serata allietata da musici e giocolieri con cena tipica medievale
  • Steppengolf
    Die Greifvogelwarte mit Vorführung ist interessant. Der Aufzuchtbereich ist größer als erwartet. Als Naturfreund hat mir gefallen, dass die Natur (hier die Greifvogelwelt) nicht verharmlost und idealisiert wurde, sondern in vielen Facetten dargestellt wurde.
  • uschin2014
    Lohnt sich auf jeden Fall dort hinzugehen, obwohl es nicht ganz billig ist. Die Greifvögel sind hautnah am Publikum, der Falkner ist witzig und gibt einen guten Einblick in das Geschehen.
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